Please don't let it be true!!!

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Its thanksgiving,we have shows coming up that I am beyond stoked for. we have a show in LA tomorrow so I am away for my first ever Thanksgiving. my band is my family this year. I did miss my fam and alex. but its all apart of the job. tomorrow should be fun we start our big holiday tour with Hey Monday,Mayday Parade and We are the in crowd. I am super stoked. 


RiGuy I just wanted to tell you cass and I broke up.

Me woha. 

Cassadee walked in the room 

“Casss!”Allyson yelled she walked over. 

“Hey girls,sarah did rian tell you.”

“Yeah,you okay?”

“Yeah,sorta,hope we can stay friends.’

“of course cass I like you better than him anyway.”

She hugged me and walked away. 

“They broke up?”Allyson asked 


“Thats so weird.”

“I know,kinda sucks.”I said 


we ate and i felt really sick. 

“Baby you okay?”Sam asked

“Nope.”I said curling up next to my best friend sammy 

“Whats wrong?”Sam asked 

“Samuel we need to go somewhere.”I said realizing what could be wrong.

Sam followed as we left got in the van and drove to the nearest drug store.

‘Whats going on?”Sam asked

“Ummm.”I said as we got out of the van and walked in. I walked towards apart of an aisle  i hoped I wouldn’t have to go near for a long time. 

“NO,Sarah please tell me this is a sick joke.”

“Its not,I am freaking out sam.”I said as we bought like three of the tests and went to the gas station where I took them. they were all inconclusive. like we had no idea. 

“FUCK!”I yelled 

“Sarah chill.”

“Don’t tell me to chill,I may have just ruined my entire life!”

“Sarah relax.”

“I can’t dude.”I said 

“Sarah your probably not.”

“what if I am.”I cried into his shoulder 

“your not okay.”Sam yelled as if to make it believable to himself as well. we got back in the van and drove back to his house. 

“Where did you too go?”Allyson asked as Sam showed the alcohol he bought so it looked less suspicious 

“Ahh good.”Oliver said smiling. 

I didn’t drink. I was freaking I ignored the shit out of my boyfriend,and everyone else. I was far too scared. Black friday was our show and it was amazing,I felt sick and freaked but It was full on amazing. I called my doctor early in the morning and made an appointment for first thing monday morning. I could last 2 more days. 


“Sarah what the fuck is wrong with you?”Allyson yelled as I was watching Tv in the living room. 

“A lot,I need to think okay.”

“About you and Alex,he basically thinks your over him.”Allyson said “and you and sam have been weirdly close lately.”

“Its too complicated right now,i am going to bed.”

I didn’t sleep it was only 830 and well I tossed and turned all night. I felt like I was gonna puke, I was beyond scared. all i could think about was what Alex and my family would say and how beyond bad this could be. we flew back to b more and I was well hiding in my room at my mom’s the only person I would talk to was sam who is now sleeping on my floor. Tomorrow is the day I find out my future. great I can just hear it now. Congrats Sar your pregnant... good bye carefree,slutty sarah. Hello Single mom. Ugh I just want a drink! UGH kill me now! 

****Hmmmmm what do you guys think?

*****Comment and vote.. if I get at least 6 comments and 4 votes I will upload later today! :D

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