New York

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Lala pov

Ive been to New York a few times and I like it.So I'm gonna give it a shot and go to this modeling agency.I just got off the plane its eleven o'clock at night.I went to the hotel I booked.Then I took a shower after being in airplane for hours.Then I got a knock on the door.I looked to see who it was it was Nicole.

Me:hey bestfriend.
Nicole:what you been doing lately ?
Me:working I gotta choose between this New York and London modeling agency.

She sat me down and she looked at me.

Nicole:Whats wrong?
Me:well before I got here I went and took a surprise to Houston to see Nae and Jay.And I found a girl in his apartment.we argued then I just left.Nicole what did I do to deserve this.
Nicole:He isn't a real man, he's a fuck boy.
Me:yeah you're right.What you been doing in NYC?
Nicole:nothing really besides school I'm just trying to get out.I dont even have time to date.
Me:do You go out?
Nicole:yeah all the time but I just don't talk.

I comb my hair then I cleaned up.

Nicole:lets go eat I know you're hungry.
Me:you know me so well ,bestie.
Nicole:hold on to your purse.

I grabbed my purse then we took the subway to Manhattan. We went to this restaurant it served real Italian food.We ate there and caught up on each other lives. then we caught a cab to the Times Square . We took a few pictures then watched the live performances by street dancers . After a while we went back to the hotel.I got ready for my first big day tomorrow.

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