Childish Game

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   Making up with Fred went well. I'm glad I was able to hear what actually happened between him and my mother. Fred had left about thirty minutes ago. I was home a lone Washing dishes when I felt a sharp pain. I thought I was about to pass out. I dropped the plate and went and sat on the couch. I thought maybe it came from to much standing but about ten minutes later the pain came again this time a lot stronger. I reached for my phone to call Ky'Mon but he didn't pick up. I tried again for the third time but there was still no answer. So I called Lucky.

"Hello" Lucky answered picking up on the first ring.

"Awww sh-itt Lucky" I screamed as the pain hit again by that time I knew I was in labor.

"Beauti you ight what the fuck is wrong with you"

"No I'm in LABOR!" I screamed.

"Oh shit where's Ky"

"I don't know he's not answering  can you please come I'm scared. AWW OMG I'M GOING TO KILL YOUR BROTHER."

"just try and breathe I'm on my way."

"Lucky please hurry"


"Hey son what are you doing here" I asked as Ky'Mon walked through my front door.

"I came to see what you was up to? I gotta use the bathroom" he said sitting his keys and phone on the table before walking into the bathroom.

I was sitting on the couch when his phone went to ringing. I looked at the screen and it was his little bitch calling. I hit the end button every time she called. I quickly deleted her number out the call log. When he received a text from Lucky saying that Beauti was going into labor and how he needed to get to the hospital quick. I deleted that text and put his phone on silent. Fuck her and whatever she has going on.

"Ma was that my phone ringing." Ky'Mon asked coming out the bathroom.

"No I didn't hear anything. Anyway what brings you over here last time I seen you your ass was threatening me over that bitch of yours."

"Man watch your mouth. Why you hate her so much what have that girl ever done to you. You fucked up that girl life because of your insecurities."

"Ky'Mon first off I'm your damn mother you don't tell me to watch my damn mouth especially in my shit. Your little babymama is beyond disrespectful."

"Ma I ain't come here to argue with you. Your my mother you ain't suppose to be acting like this. Just cuz you and  pops ain't have no fairy tale relationship don't mean you have to go around messing up everybody else shit."

"Ky'Mon I don't wanna hear that shit. if this what you came over here for your visit is over" I said as my front door came flying open.

"Man why the fuck you ain't been answer your shit." Lucky said yelling at Ky'Mon.

"What you mean my shit ain't ring." Ky'Mon said holding up his phone showing Lucky the empty call log.

"Man I've been blowing your shit up and texting you."

"No the fuck you haven't. What the fuck going on?" Ky'Mon asked

"Beauti had the fucking baby." Lucky said

"Man stop fuckin lying." Ky'Mon said standing up

"Why the fuck would I lie. I was there. if I was you I'll get my ass to the hospital. She mad as hell." Lucky said as Ky'Mon stormed out the house.

"Why would she call you to pick her up I thought y'all was enemies."

"How you know she called me?"

"I don't" I said laughing.

"I know you ain't take his phone. Yo what the fuck is wrong with you. He missed his child's birth because of you."

" Watch your damn mouth and so what the tramp will get over it. Besides that might not be my son baby anyway" I said as I lite my cigarette.

"Are you crazy dawg you gotta be the most fucked up woman I know. That's your grandchild."

"Listen all that disrespect that you and your fuckin brother got going on y'all better cut that shit out now. I'm still y'all fucking mother! I brought y'all into this fuckin world and I'll take y'all asses out"

"Mother? Man kill that shit you miserable as fuck yo ass need help and you better seek it before the shit kills you." Lucky said before slamming my door.

I don't give a fuck. What they say I'll be damn if I let that bitch come between me and my boys.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!  I know it was short sorry!

Pam is one evil bixch! So tell me what y'all thought about this! Ky'Mon missing the birth of his first child. That was fuxked up!

Anyway the goal is 10 comments and 15 votes!! Reach that and the next chapter will be updated!!!!


Sweetexotickush :)

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