Face to Face with the enemy

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I waited for Ky'Mon to go to sleep before I hopped out of bed. I had to give him the best sex he ever had so his ass could go to sleep. I got up went into the guess bathroom where I had my clothes waiting for me. I took a fifteen minute shower before stepping out to put on my black sweater with some black tights and my black boots. I pulled my hair up into a tight bun. I grabbed my keys and was headed out the door. About ten minutes later I pulled into Fred's driveway. I cut my car off and pulled my gun from up under my seat. I used the key that Ky'Mon had to let myself in. When I walked in I noticed Pam Ky'Mon and Lucky's mom giving their uncle head. Wtf I thought to myself aren't these to mutha fuckas some kin.

"O shit" Fred said pushing Pam off him trying to run. I shot him in the leg.

"Where the fuck you think your going." I said

"Bitch who do you think you are?" Pam stated before I knew it I hit her ass in the head with my gun causing her to fall. I tied her ass up and went toward Fred.

"You thought your ass was going to get away after all these years?" I asked pistol whipping him before tying him up.

"Listen its not what you think." he said crying out loud.

"You killed my parents you sick bastard. How could you kill someone in front of their daughter?" I said hitting him with the butt of my gun. Just then I heard the door swing open. Stood there was Lucky, Ky'Mon, and Babi.

"Beauti what the hell are you doing" Babi asked.

"Babi this ain't got shit to do with you." I said noticing Lucky heading over trying to untie is mom. I shot past him causing him to stop.

"You batter not fuckin touch her!" I said looking him dead in the eyes.

"Girl you batta chill your ass out" he said proceedings to untie her.

"You think I'm playing. DO NOT touch her!" I said shooting him in the arm. I wasn't playing with his ass.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" he said grabbing his arm.

"Beauti you did not just shoot him"

Babi asked.

"No I just stabbed his ass." I said sarcasticly.

"Baby what are you doing please put the gun down." Ky'Mon said walking toward me.

"DON'T!" I told him.

"I want all of y'all to sit the fuck down or I promise I will kill both of them." I said pointing the gun at Pam and Fred.

"Bitch if you kill them I swear you better off yourself." Lucky said

"you talk a lot of shit you dumb as hell and so fuckin weak. I never seen someone put so much trust in one man. Your LOYALTY is with the wrong people dumb ass NOW SIT THE FUCK DOWN BEFORE YOU PISS ME OFF LUCKY!!! I'll hate to kill my BestFriends Babydaddy. I said looking at Babi.

"How did you know I was pregnant" Babi asked.

"I know everything honey I'm still mad at you for not telling me but we'll talk later. Right now I just want Lucky dumb ass to hear why his moma was giving his uncle head." I said laughing removing the tape from their moms mouth.

"Ma what the Fuck is she talking about." Ky'Mon asked

"Baby she's lying!" Pam screamed

"O'really" I said

"listen we can play this game all night but I got shit to do eitha you tell them or they'll be burying the both of you TAKE YOUR FUCKIN PICK! I said slapping her. I Neva liked they mama anyway.

"ayee man" Ky'Mon spoke

"Shut up"

"Pam tell them or I'm killing the both of you tell them how you was sucking off their uncle you sick bitch."

"Fuck you bitch your just like your fuckin mama." she spit at me.

"Excuse me" I said walking closer to her. "How the fuck do you know my mama! and call me another bitch"

"Ma what the fuck is going on?" Lucky shouted

"Uncle Fred what is she talking about?" Ky'Mon asked.

"Pam tell them" Fred said in a dry tone.

"Tell us what DAMMIT!" Ky'Mon shouted.

"Fred is not your uncle nor did your daddy run off with some white bitch." she said

We all turned our attention to her.

"Ma what are you talking about." Ky'Mon asked with tears in his eyes I could tell he was hurt.

"KY shut up you was always weak. Fred is not your fuckin uncle. Fred is Beauti's father." What the fuck did this bitch just say.

"Bitch what did you just say!" I said crying knowing I heard her ass just as clear as day.

"You heard me bitch Fred is your father. The man that you thought was your dad was my husband. Fred didn't kill your mom John did. Fred is your mothers husband." I couldn't believe what was hearing.

"Stop it your lyin. You lyin bitch!" I said hitting her Ky'Mon grabbed me and threw me to the ground causing me to drop my gun. He picked it up and told me to sit my ass down.


I couldn't let Beauti torture my mother any longer.

"Lucky untie them. When they are untied I want everyone to sit the fuck down and tell the fuckin truth" I sat there waiting on Lucky to untie them.

"Now what the fuck is going on?" I asked.

"Beauti I'm sorry baby I didn't want to leave you like that all I wanted was to be with my family." Fred said

"Get the fuck away from me. Your not my dad. You killed them remember. Beauti said crying harder then before.

"Baby I am your dad. John is Ky'Mon and Lucky's Father"

Hold on what the hell is going on.

"Ma get the fuck up and tell us what the hell he talking about." I said screaming they were pissing me off.

"John was your father. I had John kill Renae so Fred could kill John. They needed to pay for what they had done that bitch took my man away from his family so I had to make her- before she could finish Beauti attacked her apart of me wanted to break it up but my mama was dead ass wrong.

"You bitch you killed my moma! How could you omg." She screamed I felt bad for her.

"And you mama died because of you. How could you! You abandoned your innocent child because of some jealous bitch Mama loved you! And look what you did."Beauti said looking at Fred

"I'm sorry baby I wish I could take it back."Fred said crying.

"Don't touch me. I'm done I hope the both of you rot in hell." she said looking at my mama and Fred before her and Babi walked out the door.

"Ma you dead ass wrong how could you? You and Fred was wrong." I said looking at the woman I called my mom. The weird part about it she showed no emotion like she didn't even care.

"I looked up to you man. And mama to think I was going to allow you to be apart of my child's life. You disgust me." Lucky said walking out the door.

"I hope you two are happy?" I said shutting the door behind me. I never wanted to see them again. My mama played us not only that but she had innocent people lives taken because of her jealousy and her own insecurities.


@ ExoticLuv_you

**I hope you guys are enjoying the book.

Turns out Lucky and Ky'Mon's mother was behind it all.

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