guess what

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"Get up get up" I heard Babi say as she jumped on me.

"Girl you trying to kill both the babies get your ass off me!" I said laughing

"shut up hoe I missed yo ass" she said sitting up in the bed.

"Girl I missed you to. Where's Lucky?"

"Down stairs with his brother talking shit."

"Talking shit about what"

"He said I'm a cry baby because I was begging him to bring me over here to see you" she said laughing

"Girl ain't nobody stunn them two with they haten asses they batta get with the program."

"Girl I said the same thing until Lucky pushed me off the couch."

"He did not." I said laughing

"Yes he did his ass so rough I guess he forget I'm pregnant. But anyways guess what?"

"What?" I asked annoyed Babi knew I hate guessing.

"Pam came by the house today." she said

"Bitch you lying and what the fuck for?" I asked very pissed off.

"Girl Lucky thought I was sleeping but I had to pee but when I heard her voice I had to see what the fuck was going on."

"What was said" I asked

"Nothing she was crying talking about how sorry she was how she miss them how she wanna be in her grandkids life. Bitch she was clearly tripping if she think I'm about to let her be around my damn child"

"Girllll fuck her. And Ky think I DONT know she's been blowing him up all day. I'm not going to keep Ky'Mon from his mother or even try to turn him against her but I do know one thing I better not catch the bitch round my child and she damn sho better not come round me."

"Girl Lucky don't trust her at all." she said.

"anyywayy little man should be here soon I'm so excited." I said rubbing her stomach.

"Girl Lucky is to.He already spoiling the lil nigga"

"Girl tell me bout it. You see Ky'Mon down there now by himself putting all that shit up. He spent so much money on Kylie its crazy"

"girl I can't wait I'm excited." she said taking a marker out the draw and writing "Aunti was here" on my belly. Babi was crazy she does the unthinkable.

"Heyy Lucky" I said smiling at him

"Wats up sis"

"You finally decided to wake up." Ky'Mon said shaking his head I can tell it was towards the writing on my belly.

"What" I said kissing him.

"Y'all two are weird." he said

"Wateva anyway we should go on a double date tonight." Babi said I was loving the idea.

"Not until Beauti help me with all this stuff." Ky'Mon said

"Ughh ain't nobody til you to buy all this stuff." I said sitting next to him

"Shut up and go to the mall and find something to wear." he said handing me a wad of money.

"Whatever see ya later" I said kissing him as me and Babi walked out the door.

***Kylie....what a cute name :)) anyway I hope you guys are enjoying the book and don't get to comfortable not all books have happy pages!!!!*******

----Anywho I've written the next chapter and there's a twist!!!! Guess y'all are going to have to wait until I release it lolololol :))))))) !!!!!


sweetexotickush :*

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