settling in

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I was so happy Beauti agreed on moving back home. Cause lord knows I ain't wanna stay in Jamaica. I mean don't get me wrong it wasn't bad but I couldn't see myself living there. Jamaica was good for vacationing not moving. Despite of all the shit that went down between my moma and Beauti I loved them both. What my mama did was beyond foul. She fucked up a lot of people lives because of her jealousy. I don't know if I could ever look at my mother the same but I had to respect her she is my mother. But for Uncle Fred or whatever the fuck he is to me I still had mad respect for him because he tried to protect his family. He only killed my pops because my pops killed his soul mate. But leaving Beauti there at six years old I ain't understand that shit. But somethings people do in life others might not understand.

But whatever the shit was it had to be solved because Beauti and Babi are both expecting and I refuse to have my child around that dumb shit and I know Lucky feels the same way.

I was down stairs unpacking the rest of the things. I still couldn't believe Beauti went and got in the bed without trying to help me. I was unpacking the last box when the doorbell rung.

I looked out the peep whole and seen Lucky and Babi standing on the other side.

"What's up nigga" I said giving Lucky a hug

"Dang Lucky the only one you see" Babi said walking pass me.

"You ain't give me a chance to speak,hii Babi!"

"Keep it I don't want it now and where's my Bonnie"

"Upstairs sleep that girl been talking about you all day." I said rolling my eyes I mean them two girls are inseparable.

"Nigga you to Babi wouldn't shut up about Beauti that's why we're here now ol cry baby ass" Lucky said pushing Babi off the couch playfully.

"shut up y'all hatin asses." she said running upstairs.

"Ayee man ma stopped by my crib today." Lucky said lighting a blunt.

"Word she been calling me all day but I ain't answer." I said taking a pull and passing the joint back to Lucky.

"I'm happy Babi was sleeping cause I ain't have time to argue with her." he said blowing smoke into the air.

"What she wanted?" I asked him

"She came to apologize dawg she was crying hysterically talking about how she wanna be in her grandkids life. How she wanna start over. How she only did all that to protect you and I. Man to tell you the truth I wasn't buying that shit. The shit she was singing sounded rehearsed."

"I'm glad I ain't answer my phone. Ma was hell of wrong for the shit she pulled. But we gone have to look pass it one day."

"Well that day ain't today nor was it yesterday and it damn sho wont be tomorrow." Lucky said taking another pull from the blunt before passing it to me. See the difference between Lucky and I, I can look pass things but Lucky will hold a grudge against you for a long ass time. Lucky will do so much for you but when you cross him that's it. I believe in second chances Lucky don't.

"Man only time will tell."

•••••Soooo I decided to update this chapter! I Hope you guys enjoyed it. Anyway I would like to have feedback so leave me comments and don't forget to vote!!!

Sweetexotickush :)

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