The Truth

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Seeing Fred for the first time in along time had me feelin some type of way. The last time I seen him I shot his ass in the leg. Hopefully I won't have to do it again.

"I'm about to go get something to eat are you good?" Ky'Mon asked standing at the door.

"Yea baby I'm fine."

"ight love you"

"Love you to" I said locking the front door.

"You want anything to drink?" I asked Fred as I picked up my trash and walked in the kitchen.

"No thanks I'm good." he said sitting on the sofa.

I don't know how this is about to go but I really hope I receive the answers I've been looking for.

"I mean I don't know how to start this?" I said sitting next to him. I don't know how I ain't see the resemblance when we first met because I look exactly like him. From my skin complexion to the beauty mark we both shared on our left shoulder.

"I mean if you don't mind I'll like to start" he said I was happy because I was so nervous. So I nodded my head to let him know it was fine.

"Beauti I know it took a lot out of you to even sit down with me. I know you've been through so much and I know I'm part of the blame. I wasn't a man back then because I let someone else take my family away from me and I damn sho wasn't a man for leaving you like I did. Beauti I wanna ask for your forgiveness. I'm so sorry and I promise if I could take it all back I would." he said facing me.

"I forgave you the day you walked out on me I just never forgot. As I grew up. I've always wondered would I understand why my parents were taken from me or why haven't no one from eitha side of my family came to look for me. I was put into a Foster care until I was old enough to run away. At the age of thirteen I was stealing robbing and doing everything I could to try and survive. I started my period when I was thirteen ½. I had no fuckin clue on what it was because I had no one there to warn me about it. Until I walked inside a bathroom at a corner store and met Babi. I was freaking out I thought I was dying or something but she explained to me what it was. She invited or should I say snuck me into her parents house and lucky for me they worked twenty four seven. After that we became sisters and when her parents died we became closer. It was crazy how a girl around the same age as me was taking care of me because no one was there for me. I thought my father was dead but he was still living taking care of someone else's kids why his little girl was trying to defend herself from this big ass world. Its funny how I never even knew about you but for twenty-five years you knew about me. You knew what you had done and not once did you try to step up and be a man by coming to look for me. You let jealous ruin what could have been. Why did you leave before I was born? You should've told my mother something. You could have got us back but you didn't try, you just gave up." I didn't realize I was crying until I felt my wet cheeks. I've been waiting for this day my whole life and I was finally getting it.

"I'm sorry. Beauti I loved your mother she was the first lady I had ever loved. Your mother and I was struggling when she found out she was pregnant with you. We needed money badly and in order to provide for you we had to do what ever we could. One day your mother and I was sitting in our living room trying to figure out what or next move was going to be when there was a knock at the door. It was John and Pam. I guess your mother had explained to Pam about the money situation because John had pulled me to the side and offered me a job. He explained that if I took the job I would be away from my family for about a year or so. I wasn't going to take the job because there was no way I was leaving your mother. I explained to your mother about what John had shared with me. We both wasn't sure about it but the money was what we needed. Pam was in your mother's ear telling her that she should let me go. Pam had also offered that John would help out with you. I don't know why your mother and I didn't see that red flag. Pam was jealous she would never let John be around any woman and especially your mother. I seen how Pam envied your mother. But your mother being her she didn't see it. The only reason I took the job was because I knew if I didn't we would've been struggling and your mother wouldn't have loved me the same. Your mother would write me everyday for about five months"

"And what happened?" I asked as he paused. I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"The letters stop coming. I always wondered why. But I never stopped writing her. I wrote her until the day I came home. I was so excited to see you and to see my wife but not only that I would be a hundred grand richer. But when I pulled up and was about to go in. I looked through the window and there you were walking. It had to be your first steps because your mother and John was clapping. As you made it to John he picked you up and you called him daddy. That was the most painfullest thing I had ever heard" he said as tear rolled down his cheeks he was hurt and he was hurting bad.

"I'm sorry" I said scooting close to him.

"It wasn't your fault. It was mine because I should have never left. I was still bout to enter the house because in my mind maybe you called him that because "Dada" is every baby first word. But it was the kiss that John and your mother had shared that did it. Your mother betrayed me she betrayed our love. While I was out providing for us. She was sleeping with my BestFriend. I loved your mother and the only way I was going to be able to get her back was Pam, But little did I know Pam was behind it all. She manipulated you mother into sending me off so that john and Renae can become close. She would pick fights with John so he could go over to your moms. So after john and your mother started sleeping around. I guess John started filling in the void. Soon after Pam talked John into killing my wife. The night she knew I was going over to talk to them. She knew I would find Renae dead and she knew I would kill John. All this because she wanted to be with me. Your mother and I let Pam and John ruin us ruin what we had and what we could of had. But that gave me no right to leave you the way I did and I'm so so sorry darling I really am I swear some times I wish this was all a dream. I Love you darling I never stopped loving you."

"Omg I'm so sorry. I hated you because of what you did but you only did it because you had to. Mommy loved you I wish you would of left for the job when I was older."


"Because I would have known you as my father. And you and mom would still be together. It's my fault that mom is dead if I wasn't born you wouldn't have had to take that job and you and mom would still be in love. I'm so sorry." I said as I cried on his chest.

"No baby its not your fault you where the most beautiful thing that could ever happened to your mom. Things happen for a reason. You had nothing to do with your moms death. I know I wont be able to get back the years I missed with you but I've been praying you let me be apart of my granddaughter's life."

"I think that will be fine." I said hugging him.



"I love you baby" he said kissing me on my forehead.

"I love you to dad."

I don't know what made me call him dad but when I said it there was a big weight lifted off my shoulder. I thought my father had died the same night of my mother. But little did I know he was the man that tried to get his family back.

Omg they talked and it went well!  yayyeeee!!! Anyway I would have been updated but messing around with my boo it took me a little while longer! But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because I enjoyed writing it. But I know y'all are waiting for Beauti and Pam to have it out. lol That day is coming!  just be patient I'm getting there. But in the next chapter y'all might get a little mad I guess y'all going to have to wait and see.

Anyway I need at least five comments and ten votes and I'll update the next chapter if not y'all will just have to wait until that goal is reached!!!!


Sweetexotickush :)

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