Chapter 49; Ruins

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*Randy Orton POV*

I ran my fingers through Alicia's long hair as I caressed her cheek. I have had feelings for her for such a long time. Her engagement couldn't have come at a worse time. 

I suddenly felt myself expressing my feelings for her. I couldn't read her face to see how she felt. I hoped that some part of her had felt the same way. 

I decided to go for it and roughly kissed her. I pulled her close as she wrapped her arms around my neck and the kiss intensified. I could feel her heart racing the entire time.  

I didn't ever want it to end. I haven't had a kiss like that with Sam in years. I had no guilt about it because we are officially divorced now. 

As our lips moved in sync I felt myself become more and more attached to her. After a little while, she pulled away and I could see the remorse in her eyes. 

Alicia scurried off and I tried to go after her, but she wouldn't let me. My heart sank as I thought about how much she truly loves punk.  

"God damn it! I have to ruin everything!" I yelled as I kicked a trash can.

*Alicia POV*

I opened the bathroom door to see Phil standing there with an uneasy look on his face. 

"Hey babe," I said trying to hid my remorse for what I had done. 

Without saying a word, he grabbed my hand and led me to the locker room. He pointed to the couch as he closed the door and sat down. 

"Care to explain what happened?" He asked angrily. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. I was terrified that he found out. 

"Don't fucking play stupid. I know about you making out with Randy," he spat 

"I'm sorry," I said as tears began to trickle down my face. 

"Am I not good enough? I gave you everything," he said with a sigh. 

"I don't know why I did it. He lured me in," I explained. 

"I have you a ring," he said as he mood shifted to sad. 


"I never thought you could do this to me. And with randy," he said. 

"It meant nothing," I said as I tried to grab his hands, but he pulled them away. 

"How long have you been sleeping with him?" He asked  

"We never slept together! We were always just friends and that's it!" I responded. 

"Yeah okay. Seems like more than a friendship to me," Phil snapped. 

"How many times do I have to say it was a mistake?" I asked. 

"Giving you that ring was a mistake," he mumbled. 

My stomach tightened as he said the words. They stabbed me like a sharp knife and suddenly I could barely breath. 

"I'm sorry that I'm not the perfect fiancée and maybe you should give this to someone else," I said as I slipped off the ring and out it on the table. 

"I'm sorry that ie even came into your life and screwed it all up," I said as I got up and left. Phil tried to stop me, but I scurried away. I hurried to the Parking lot and began to sob. 

My relationship was over and in the ruins. I don't really have much left. 

I had already shot my promo, so I was free to go home. I didn't want to be around anyone at that point. 

I sat in my car and let the tears come out . I felt like such an idiot to throw everything away after it was going so well. 

After a good 15 minutes, I finally was composed enough to drive. It was almost 11 by the time I was ready to leave the arena parking lot.  

I started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. I had to take the roundabout to get back to the hotel and thankfully it wasn't too crowded.  

I was about to turn off when all of a sudden, I see a car coming right towards me. It was swerving wildly and I tried to get out of the way. 

I was unsuccessful in doing so and I braced myself for the impact before blacking out completely.




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