Chapter 3; Mixed Tag Match

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*The next Monday* 

*Vince’s office*

“ I understand you wanted to see me,” I said as I sat down in one of the office chairs.

“Tonight there will be a mixed tag with AJ and Dolph and you and a partner of your choice. You may pick whomever you like as long as they haven't already been booked in a match. If things go well tonight there may be a storyline in the works,” he said sternly.

“Alright, thank you Vince,” I said smiling as I left his office.I bumped right into Punk as I was leaving.

“Sorry Punk,” I said sweetly.

“What was that all about?” he asked grinning.

“Vince said I can pick my partner for the mixed tag tonight. I was thinking maybe my partner could be the best in the world?” I hinted.

" I’d love to be your partner and kick Dolph’s ass” he said with a smile. 

"We'll surely make a great team,"i said with a ton of confidence.

*Later on that night*

“So did you manage to find a partner that doesn’t hate you?” AJ asked tauntingly. 

“As a matter of fact April, I did,” I retorted with an evil grin. "My partner happens to be someine who is known to many as The Best In The World!"

Just then CM Punk’s music hit and the crowd had a mixed reaction. Usually heels don’t team with faces, but I really didn’t care. Punk came out and wrapped an arm around me as we walked to the ring. I know it was probably for show, but I felt a ton of butterflies.  

The bell rang and AJ and I started things off. I immediately went at her with a flying close line and knocked her down. I began building a tan of momentum. I hit her with a neck breaker before she scurried and tagged Dolph in. 

I went over the corner and whispered to Punk, “You got this,” as I tagged him in.  

Punk and Dolph went at it for a while with Punk being in control most of the time. Punk always impresses me when i watch him compete.

Dolph tagged in AJ as soon as he got away from Punk. He tagged me in an AJ and I went at it again. I threw her into the corner and brought her up to the top rope for a superplex. It was executed perfectly and I quickly went for the cover. AJ kicked out, as planned, and I went up to the top rope. I hit her with the 450 splash and pinned her. Punk put me on his shoulders as we left the ring, celebrating our victory.

“Damn Alicia, you did great,” CM Punk said with a huge grin as we went backstage.

“You did pretty good yourself, Punk,” I responded. I immediately hugged him and he squeezed back.

“Thanks kid, I'm going to jump in the shower. Come back in a half hour so we can watch the rest of RAW?" he suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," i replied as i kissed his cheek.

I decided to go shower and get changed. I threw on a pair of light wash denim jeans and a tight black tank top. I did my hair in a loose fishtail braid down my back. I was happy Punk wanted to hang out and watch RAW with me. I just hope this doesn’t mean I’m friend zoned.


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