Chapter 34; Announcement

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“Are you serious?” I asked in shock. How can I be pregnant? I have been on birth control for years!

“Yes, your blood test concludes that you are pregnant,” he confirmed.

Tears began streaming down my face. I’m NOT ready to become a mother. Not to mention, I’m not exactly sure who the father is. Maybe if I find out how far along I am, I can figure it out.

“We have to take you to the ultrasound technician’s room so we can see your baby,” he said as he led me down a hallway.

We wound up in a room with a monitor and he motioned for me to lay down on a table type thing.

“Did you not know you were expecting,” he asked.

“No, not at all. I missed a few periods, but I have a stressful job.  Besides, I am on birth control,” I explained.

“That is very strange, but the pill is not 100% guaranteed to prevent pregnancy. If you missed a day, that could be why you conceived,” he said.

“I guess,” I mumbled.

“Okay so we will have a look at your baby,” he said as he put some jelly on my stomach and a scanner thing. 

I looked on the monitor and there I saw a little baby. My heart melted a little bit.

“By the looks of it, you are about 9 weeks pregnant,” he explained. “We will set your due date for April 22nd.”

“What about my job?” I asked.

“Well you will clearly have to take time off because of the pregnancy. As far as returning after, I say wait 3 or 4 months until after the baby is born. If you choose to return,” he said.

“Okay,” I said with a sigh.

“We will need you to come back in a few weeks and we may be able to determine the sex at that time,” he said as he handed me some sonograms.

“Thanks Doctor Richards,” I said as I left the office.

I got in my car and began to sob violently. I’m nowhere near ready to have a child

Our next show is in New  York, so I had a short drive from Jersey. 

First of all, I really needed to call Phil and Seth. I decided on calling Phil first.

The phone rang for a few seconds and then he picked up;


A- …Hey

P-What’s up?

A- We need to have a serious talk?

P- What’s the matter?

A- I don’t want to tell you over the phone. Can we meet up somewhere?

P- Well I’m still in Jersey…

A- Do you want to come over?

P- Is it that serious?

A- Yes.

P- I’ll be over in an hour.

A- Okay sounds good. Bye

P- Bye.

I drove back to my house an anxiously awaited Phil’s arrival. I was a mess.

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