Chapter 33; Shock

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Two Months later*

*Alicia POV*

Things have been going pretty good as of late. Phil and I have somewhat mended our relationship. He isn’t talked to Amy anymore, I’m not sure what happened there.

As for Seth, we’ve gone on a few casual group dates, but I haven’t kissed him or done anything with him since we were in Paris.

He is still hopeful that we will have a relationship soon. I’ve been over Phil for a while, but I don’t want to rush things with Seth.

As for my Diva’s title, I’ve held it for 5 months and counting. The competition has been a little stiff lately.

I feel like we lost a lot of GOOD divas over the years. I miss wrestling; Michelle, Melina, Beth, Victoria, Mickie, etc. 

Tonight we are In my home state of New Jersey. The town I come from is pretty small and only 10,000 people live there. 

I pulled up to the arena and went to the dressing room. I pulled out my attire for the night; a red halter top with a black band on the bottom, black wrestling tights that tucked into my boots, and my trusty white wrestling boots.

I did my hair so it had beautiful beach waves and threw on a headband. 

As for makeup, I just applied some basic mascara and foundation. 

I’m honestly so happy that RAW was in New Jersey. I love getting to come home!

Tonight I had a tag team match with Kaitlyn against AJ and Layla.

I got the cue to come to gorilla and I waited for my turn to come out.

I came out last and the crowd went wild. 

Justin Roberts announced, “And her tag team partner, New Jersey’s own, The WWE Diva’s champion, Alicia!”

I did my usual entrance stuff and clapped hands with a bunch of fans.

The matchup started with Kaitlyn going against AJ. AJ had the upper hand and was running her mouth.

AJ delivered several vicious slaps to Kaitlyn as she tried to fight back.

She sent Kaitlyn in the corner and nailed her with a close line, then a bulldog onto the canvas. As Kaitlyn got up, AJ jumped from the top rope with a cross body. 

She went for the cover, but I broke it up. Layla came flying at me, but I sent her out of the ring.

AJ had gone for her shining wizard, but Kaitlyn countered it and bought herself some time.

AJ and Kaitlyn both went for a close line and came crashing down. 

I made the fans start clapping and Kaitlyn tagged me in. AJ had just tagged Layla in as well. 

I went flying towards Layla and sent her to the ground. 

I hit a standing moonsault on her and went for the cover, but AJ broke it up. Kaitlyn quickly took care of AJ.

Layla is really fun to wrestle with, because she sells pretty well. I applied a boston crab, but she reached the ropes and I had to break.

I followed up the submission move with some vicious stomps before she took out my leg.

She was in control and went for a suplex, but I countered and kicked her right in the jaw. 

I went to the top rope and hit the 450 splash and pinned her for the 1,2,3!

“Here are your winners, Alicia and Kaitlyn!” Justin announced.

I was happy to have won in my home state and celebrate with everyone

*Several Days Later*

As per the orders of the WWE, superstars have to undergo a physical evaluation once a year. It’s basically to ensure that we can compete and we are healthy. 

I hate doctors’ offices, they give me the creeps. I literally dread getting a physical every year. I've never had a pleasant experience at the doc's office.

Today, I just had to get some simple bloodwork done and have systems checked.

“Breath in, and out,” the doc said as he held the stethoscope to my chest. He was checking my breathing and my heartbeat.

“How does it sound.” I asked jokingly.

“Sounds pretty good,” he said with a smile.

He checked my eyes, ears, and blood pressure as well. He said it was a little high but that’s okay. I guess my job has me pretty stressed out.

Then he measured my height and weight.

“5”7 and 130 pounds,” he said.

“I don’t think I’ll grow anytime soon,” I said with a laugh. 

He smiled at me and then I sat down to have some blood drawn. He filled a vial and said he would check it and see if all was well. It would only take about fifteen minutes.

I went on twitter and posted a funny picture of me and my bandaged arm;

Did I mention I hate getting blood drawn?

About 20 minutes later the doctor came back in and asks me, “Do you know that you are pregnant?" 

I stared at him in shock as i shook me head no.



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