Chapter 22; Goodbyes

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*A few days later*

*CM Punk POV*

Alicia and I are leaving tonight and I’m pretty bummed. I’m not bummed because we are leaving Vegas, I’m bummed because we have separate flights. She is flying to France and I’m headed home to Chicago.

I’m definitely going to miss my pain-in-the-ass girlfriend. I’m a little happy that we’ll have some time apart, so I can do some shopping for her. I have a big surprise actually.

I logged onto twitter, since I am a tad bit addicted, and checked my TL. There was nothing all that interesting.

Alicia and I packed up all of our stuff and got ready to go. We drove to the airport and checked in our bags.

She squeezed my hand tightly and said, “I wish I didn’t have to go baby.”

“You’ll be fine without me,” I said softly.

We walked hand in hand to our terminals and had a seat in between the two of ours. There were a bunch of WWE people by the terminal for France. 

We actually got to the airport with some time to kill. Alicia rested her head on my shoulders and nodded off. 

I took a picture of her on my shoulder and posted it on twitter;

Hate that I won’t see this face for a few weeks

She only napped for a few minutes before she woke up again.

“I’m going to miss you Phillip,” she said with a smile.

“I’m not going to miss you Alicia,” I joked.

She laughed and smacked my chest.  We talked for a few minutes before she had to go on the plane.

“All passengers boarding flight 203 to Paris, France, please come to gate 4D.”

“I guess that’s my cue,” she said sadly.

“We’ll be fine, I promise,” I reassured her.

Tears began forming in her eyes and I wiped them away before they fell. 

“I love you Alicia,” I said.

“I love you too Phil,” she said back.

“We’ll talk everyday, I promise,” I reassured.

She kissed my lips one last time and walked away as she called, “Byeee!”

I walked over to my terminal and opened up my twitter app again. I tweeted;

Goodbyes suck

*Alicia POV*

I’m really going to miss Phil. It sucked having to say goodbye to him. I found my seat in First Class and found out I was next to Stephen.  

“Hey fella,” he said with a grin.

“Fancy meeting you here,” I said jokingly.

“I just decided to follow you to France and watch you wrestle,” he teased.

I laughed and we got situated and waited for everyone to board. I pulled out my iphone and opened up twitter.

Phil tweeted a photo of us and I smiled. Stephen noticed and saw the picture, “He’s a keeper, fella.”

“He sure is,” I said with a smile.

I RT’d Phil’s picture and posted a tweet of my own;

On my way to France. Can’t wait to meet all the French fans! #bittersweet #missingyou

The flight was about 5 hours long. We had to stop in Florida for a layover flight. We have to wait 3 hours before our next SUPER LONG flight. 

All of us WWE superstars sat by our next terminal and chatted. I pulled out my headphones and my phone and face timed Phil. He had landed in Chicago and few hours earlier.

“Hey baby!” I exclaimed.

“How was the flight?” he asked.

“Long. How was yours?” I asked.

“Not quite as long as yours,” he said with a laugh.

“We have a layover and you know how much I hate those,” I grumbled.

“What time is it there?” he asked.

“9:15,” I answered. 

“At least you have a red eye to France,” he said trying to be positive.

“That’s probably the best part! When did you take that picture of us?” I asked.

“When you were adorably sleeping,” he said with a grin.

“You are too cute,” I said with a smile.

“I gotta go baby! Have fun and be safe! Text me when you land,” he said.

“I will! I love you!,” I assured him.

“Love you too,” he said as he hung up. 

I went on twitter and posted;

Just landed in Florida. One more flight to go! I can‘t wait to get some sleep. Man I love red-eye flights! #franceherewecome

At 11:30 we boarded our next plane and got situated. I had a seat next to Randy and we talked for a little bit.

“Are you excited?” Randy asked.

“Yeah, I am. I’ve never been to France,” I admitted.

“It’s amazing there! I’ve been 3 times,” he said.

“I’m a little bummed about Phil though,” I said.

“It’s only a few weeks, you’ll be all right,” he said trying to comfort me. 

The plane took off and I grabbed his arm for comfort. Planes make me a bit uneasy. 

An hour after we took off, I dozed off. I woke up a few hours later on Randy’s shoulder. I was a bit embarrassed, but he was fine with it. 

I fell back asleep on his shoulder as he also slept soundly.



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