Chapter 45; You & Me

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*Alicia POV*

I couldn't contain my excitement after i found out we were going to California. I was happy to be getting out of Jersey and into warmer weather.

I think it's so sweet that Phil would plan a surprise vacation for just the two of us. 

I walked into my closet and pulled out my suitcase and began filling it with clothes. I packed a few cute dresses for date night and a couple pairs of expensive heels.

My closet has been steadily growing these past few months. Since my time off, i've done a ton of shopping.

I finished packing after about twenty minutes. Phil had gotten out of the shower and was all dressed. He pulled out his suitcase that had already been packed. I'm not sure how i didn't notice it before.

"How did you manage all of this?" i asked him as i hugged him from behind. 

He spun around to face me and said, "I figured we needed a romantic vacation together, so i thought i should surprise you." 

"You are the best. you know that?" i said to him as he smiled.

"So i've been told," he said with a chuckle.

"Always a wise ass Phil," i responded as i grinned.

"You know it," he said.

I hopped onto the counter and pulled him in close. Our eyes were locked and i felt my heart pound. After all this time together, he still makes my heart race. I guess that's how you know when someone is a keeper. 

Our eyes were still locked when i placed a gentle kiss on him. He was hungry for more and went deeper into the kiss.  I opened my eyes for a second and glanced at the clock. It was noon and our flight took off at 1:30. 

"Oh shit, we gotta go," i said as we pulled apart.

"My bad," Phil said with a grin as he grabbed his suitcase. We piled everything into the car and drove to the airport.

*One Hour Later*

After checking in our bags and going through awful security checks, we were finally on the plane. As i've said before, planes scare me.

I don't like the feeling of takeoffs or landings for that matter. My stomach always drops and scares the crap outta me.

"We will now be taking off headed for beautiful San Francisco, California," the captain announced over the speaker.

I grabbed Phil's hand as we began to ascend into the breathtaking clouds. After a while, i get used to being in the air and i'm okay.

"I still can't believe you did this," i said as i kissed his cheek.

"You deserve it baby, I love you," he said as he squeezed my hand.

"I love you too," i said as i rested my head on his shoulder.

On the flight we watched 50 first dates. Adam Sandler is so funny and he's one of my favorite actors. I love watching his movies.

After a couple of hours in the air, we landed safely and got our bags. We hailed a cab to a beautiful and fancy hotel. It had rooms that had views of the Golden Gate Bridge. It was absolutely stunning.

"Reservation for Phil Brooks," he said to the hotel desk clerk.

"Okay hold on just a moment," she said as she began typing in his name on her computer. 

"Here is your master suite card and your room is 108," she said with a smile. "You will love it here!"

"Thank you so much," we said as we took the elevator up to the 15th floor.

Phil slid the room key in the door and opened the door to our gorgeous suite.  The room had such a modern vibe to it and had a kickass view of the bridge.

"This is amazing," i said as i looked out the window.

"I knew you would love it!" he exclaimed as he stood beside me. 

*Two hours later*

Tonight Phil and i are going out for a romantic dinner. We are only in California for 5 days, so we want to make the most of them. Phil and i haven't gone on a formal date in forever, so i'm pretty excited for this.

I got out my suitcase and dug through my collection of dresses. I decided on a strapless black dress that was tight at the bust, but was also flowy. I paired the dress with a pair of midnight blue peep toe heels. 

For my hair, i loosely curled it and added a few spritz of hairspray. I didn't go real heavy on the makeup this time, but i did add a red lip. 

I came out of the bathroom and saw Phil looking handsome as ever. He had on a white dress shirt, black tie, and a nice pair of jeans. "You cleanup well," i joked. 

"You aren't so bad yourself," he said with a smug look. I grabbed my purse and walked hand in hand with him down to the lobby. We hailed a taxi and he took us to a beautiful restaurant down by the beach. 

"This place is amazing," i said as we got seated.

"I know right?" Phil responded. 

The waitress came over and handed us a couple of menus. We both ordered some of the delicious steak. Recently, we quit our vegetarian diets because we weren't getting enough protein from potatoes.  

"This steak is to die for," Phil said as he cut off another piece.

"Agreed," i said as i chewed up another piece.

It was so rich and tasty. Steak is one of my favorites, but i don't have it all that often.  It's not exactly great for you.

After a lovely meal, Phil paid the check and we decided to go for a walk down by the beach. It was only about 7 PM and the sun was in the process of setting.

"I have had such an amazing time even though we just got here," i said as we walked through the sand. 

"I'm glad you have been having a great time. I needed to get to spend some time with you with no work involved," he said sweetly.

"I think we definitely needed this," i responded.

"I agree one hundred percent. You make me so happy Alicia," he said as he stopped and held my hands.

"Aw, Phil i don't think you realize how happy you make me. Even though we fight and argue all the time, i wouldn't  have it any other way," i answered.

"We have made it through so much together and i wouldn't want to be with anyone else," Phil said as brushed my hair away from my face.

"You don't know how great that is to hear," i said softly. I felt myself start to tear up, but i stopped myself.

"Alicia Hope Marquez, i've realized something. I've realized that i want to be with you for the rest of my life," he began as he got down on one knee. "I hope you want to be with me too. Will you marry me?"

He pulled out a ring box from his pocket and opened it. There was a gorgeous diamond ring inside of it.

I felt my chest tighten as he asked me. I was not expecting this at all. 

I finally managed to say, "Yes of course i will."  

I saw tears in Phil's eyes as he slipped the ring on my finger. It was a huge, yet adorable ring. It wasn't one of those obnoxiously big ones either.

Phil picked me up bridal style and kissed me passionately. I knew this is where i was meant to be. I wouldn't trade it for anything

"You & Me forever," he whispered as we watched the sunset together.



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