Chapter 28; Falling Apart

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*Alicia  POV*

All of a sudden, Seth leans in and kisses and wraps his arms around me. I pull away after a few seconds and I’m stunned.

I knew he had a crush on me, but I never knew he would actually make a move. 

“I can’t do this, I have a boyfriend,” I said as I fought back tears and hurried away. 

I scurried into the bathroom and thankfully, there was no one in it. I quickly locked the doors and I let the tears come pouring out. All of my built up frustration was finally coming out. 

I’ve been stuffing my feelings about Phil and I’s fight and how rocky things have been lately. 

Not to mention, Seth kissing me has caused my emotions to scramble. I’m not sure if I should tell Phil about this or if he will flip out on me. 

I’m tired of feeling like this, I decided that Phil and I need to have a serious talk. 

I heard a knock at the door and I unlocked it and opened it. I saw Seth standing there with a look of concern. He shut the door and pulled me in close. 

I couldn’t contain myself and I let the tears come falling down. He looked at me and wiped them away.

“Why are you crying?” he asked.

“Because I’m not happy,” I admitted.

“About what?” he asked.

“My relationship with Phil is falling apart. Ever since we’ve been in France, something has happened to him. Whenever we’d talk on the phone, he’d seem really distant. Whenever I had to go, I’d say I love you and I’d get no response. And then tonight, he basically said I looked like a hoe. Then he accused me of seeing someone else. I love him so much, but I don’t know if I can do it anymore,” I explained.

“I’m sorry, I want you to be happy,” he said as he hugged me. 

“Thank you Seth,” I said as I made myself presentable. 

We walked out to the main room and everyone was still partying. I pulled out my phone and saw I had a bunch of unread texts;

Phil- When are you going to be back? 12:13 AM

Phil- Alicia??! 12:37 AM

Phil- Thanks for answering your fucking phone 12:59 AM

Phil-  Wow 1:33 AM

While I had stopped crying, everyone could tell I was upset.  I was bombarded with hugs and people asking “What’s wrong?”

It was around 2:30 in the morning when people started to leave. I sat at the bar and ordered a cosmopolitan before I left. 

Nikki sat at the bar with me as John and a couple other guys hung out. 

“Please tell me why you are upset,” she pleaded.

“It’s Phil. I don’t know if I can do this anymore. He is acting like a whole different person,” I admitted.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“He has been so jealous and even accused me of cheating,” I said.

"Aww, i'm sorry Leigh. I never would have guessed he would be like this," she said comforting me.

We talked for a little while longer before I paid my tab and left. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and it was Seth.

“Can I walk with you?” he asked.

“Sure,” I said with a smile.

The hotel was only 2 blocks from the bar so It was a short walk. Paris was beautiful and breathtaking. I wish this drama didn't exist so i could enjoy our trip.

“Thanks for being there for me,” I said.

“No problem, call me sometime,” he said as he hugged me.

I sighed and walked to my hotel room. I expected Phil to be angry at me, but I didn’t care.

I opened the door and he was wide awake, waiting for me. 

“You’re late,” he snapped.

“What are you, my father?” I asked.

“Well, you are acting like a fucking child,” he yelled.

“You know this whole relationship? I don’t think it’s working out,” I spat.

“Couldn’t agree more,” he said

He looked at me in disgust and went over to the bed and climbed under the covers.

I locked myself in the bathroom and cried for a good half hour. Everything is falling apart…


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