Chapter 31; Morning After

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*Alicia POV* 

I awoke the next morning with Seth sleeping beside me. I instantly began regretting what we did last night. I like Seth and all, but I just got out of a relationship.

I can’t believe I slept with him  on our first date. I wish I could say that it was the alcohol, but I only had one glass of wine at the restaurant.

I picked up my clothes off of the floor, and went into the bathroom to change. I tried to make myself look somewhat decent.

When I got out of the bathroom, Seth was awake and on his phone. “Where are you going?” he asked when he saw me.

“Listen Seth, Phil and I just broke up and I’m not ready for a relationship right now. I like you and all, but the timing is off,” I explained.

“What about last night?” he asked.

“I had a lot of fun. But to be honest, I wish we hadn’t slept together,” I said.

“I understand,” Seth said sadly.

“If you wanna wait until I’m ready, that’s cool too. I really like you,” I said as I went over to him and pressed my lips against his. 

He pulled me next to him and said, “I really like you too.”

“I’m going to go back to my room,” I said as I got up.

“Bye Alicia,” Seth said.

“Bye!” I called as I shut the door.

I walked a couple of doors down and knocked on the door. I forgot to bring my room card.

Stephen and Randy were coming out of the elevator and waved to me. I think they both knew that I was doing the walk of shame. However, I doubt they knew I was with Seth.

Brie opened the door and started giggling. 

“Someone had a good night last night,” she joked.

“No comment,” I said remaining coy.

“YOU SLEPT WITH HIM?” Nikki shouted happily.

“SHHHH!” I exclaimed. “No one needs to know about this.”

“Roger that,” they both said.

I grabbed my suitcase and went into the bathroom. I hopped in the shower with my phone.

I had bought the LIFEPROOF Iphone case a few months back, and its so worth it.

I was feeling daring, so I decided to set the record straight on my relationship status.

I opened up twitter and saw a fan had tweeted me;

@Alicia Marquez are you still dating cm punk???! 

I responded with;

@wwefannforever no, we aren’t together anymore.

I set my phone down and washed my hair and body. As soon as I picked it up, I saw my phone was blowing up. My followers weren’t too happy about that tweet I sent.

I had a lot of questions so I decided to sent a tweet answering them all. 

I know everyone is pretty shocked. As for the reason behind the breakup, it is a private matter. Please respect Phil and I’s privacy. Thank you 

I looked at Phil’s twitter and he had a bunch of tweets about bands, and Chicago, and whatnot.

I got out of the shower and threw on a pair of long black skinny jeans, a tight pink v neck, and a pair of sandals.

I threw my hair up into a cute yet messy bun. I added just a big of mascara and foundation to my face.

I checked my emails and saw that the rest of our tour had been canceled.

The email read;

WWE Personnel,

It is with great dismay that we tell you the Italian leg of our tour has been canceled. There has been some controversy in Italy at the moment. Apparently, there have been some threats of violence lingering from another country towards Italy. The safety of all WWE staff is important, so we don’t want anyone to get hurt. We are sorry for the inconvenience  and short notice. We expect to see you all on Monday Night Raw in a couple of days.

-Vincent K McMahon. 

I was a bit bummed when I read the email. But on the bright side, we have a few days off before RAW. 

Apparently, everyone had gotten the email before I did and they were all busy changing flights. 

I called the airline and chose a flight that a bunch of other superstars were taking as well. 

Our flight leaves tomorrow, Friday, and we land in New York for RAW. I also have a big radio interview to do on Monday.

I went on twitter and saw that Seth posted the picture of us from last night. I was shocked that he put that out there.

Luckily due to the lighting and my dark hair, you couldn’t tell it was me kissing Seth. 

But then again, I’m single. I shouldn’t care what people think. 



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