Chapter 35; Clearing The Air

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*Seth Rollins POV*

I’m still in complete shock that Alicia is pregnant. I don’t think that I am ready to become a father. But, I’m not even sure that it’s my kid. I guess we won’t find out until he/she is born.

I saw Alicia walk through the curtain with tears in her eyes and I wrapped my hands around her waist. She spun around and smiled at me. I wiped her tears away and we began walking. 

I guess she must have remained mum to all of our co-workers because they flooded her with questions. I felt bad because this all seems so overwhelming…

*Alicia POV*

Seth and I were walking when I wad bombarded with people asking about my pregnancy. I sighed and sat down at the catering tables.

Nikki, John, Stephen, Randy, Seth, and Cesleste all joined me as well. 

“When were you planning on telling me?” Nikki asked happily.

“I just found out a few days ago,” I said with a sigh.

“How far along are you?” Randy asked.

“I’m about 10 weeks along,” I admitted.

“We are all so happy for you Leigh,” John said cheerfully.

“Thanks guys, I really need your support right now.

Then, Celeste asked me the dreaded question, “Is it Phil’s?”

I guess that was the question on everyones’ minds because they all stared at me.

“To be honest, I don’t know,” I admitted.

“What do you mean? Two months ago, we were in Paris and you were with Phil,” John pointed out.

I saw the look on Nikki’s face and I could tell she remembered I had spent the night at Seth’s in Paris.

I cupped my face in my hands and tried to calm down. 

Before I knew it, Seth spoke up. “I guess we need to clear the air here. Phil and Alicia broke up in the middle of the Paris tour. A couple days later, Alicia and I went out on a date. I don’t think I need to spell out what happened,” he clarified.

Seth placed his hand on mine and smiled at me.

“I’m sorry Alicia. It wasn’t really our place to ask,” Stephen said.

“It’s fine. It was bound to come out sooner or later,” I said. 

Seth had a match so I went back to my locker room and sat down. I took out my phone and went on TMZ. They had ALREADY posted about my pregnancy;

WWE Star Pregnant!

Tonight on Monday Night Raw, Alicia Marquez announced that she in pregnant. It came as a huge shock to everyone, even those close to her. Alicia was forced to relinquish her Diva’s Title, due to being unable to compete. She did hint at wanting to return to action after the baby is born. As for the father of her unborn child, it is rumored to be ex boyfriend CM Punk or another WWE Superstar. It is also unknown how far along she is. We will keep you posted. 

It’s like these people have nothing better to do than report about my life. 

I opened up twitter and saw I had some fan questions. I was bored so I decided to answer some;

-omg congrats on the baby! Is it a boy or girl? We will miss u #askalicia

@wwealiciallver thank you so much. It is too early to tell the gender. I will miss you all

-How far along are you?? Congats on your growing miracle! #ask Alicia

@randyortonrko33 I am at the end of my first trimester and thank you :)

I had talked to Vince and Paul earlier in the night and they told me I should take it easy. They said I could make a few appearances here and there, but nothing too drastic.

I’m starting to warm up to the idea of having a baby, but it is still so overwhelming.

I heard a knock at the door and Phil came in. He sat down next to me and wrapped an arm around me.

“I’m sorry this has happened,” he said.

“I wanted kids, just not now. I know it sounds selfish, but my job is everything to me,” I admitted.

“I know how you feel,” he said.

“I feel like such a fucking idiot. People are bashing me for not knowing who is the father of this baby,” I said as I began to sob.

“Don’t beat yourself up Alicia,” he said as he consoled me.

“I just can’t help it,” I said. “My mind is racing and I’m going to have an anxiety attack.”

Phil cupped my face in his hands and softly pressed his lips against mine.

I guess that was his way of shutting me up. I needed it.



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