Chapter 26; Trouble in Paradise?

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*Later that afternoon*

*Alicia POV*

I packed my bags and got ready for the live show tonight. Since Phil just got in, he is going to stay home and rest.

I threw on a white flowy tank top with a big black cross in the middle, black leggings, and a pair of red vans. 

I fish tail braided my hair and threw the braid over my shoulder. I put on some heavy mascara and some nude lip gloss.

I grabbed my wrestling bags and said goodbye to Phil. 

“Bye babe! See you later!” I called as I shut the door. I met the rest of the superstars in the lobby and we all drove to the arena. 

We only have a few days left here and all we’ve done is sleep and wrestle. We all decided to go out after the show. It ends at 9:30, so we figured we’d all go out at 11. 

Everyone went there separate ways after we got to the arena. It was pretty empty, definitely not as busy backstage as the RAW shows. 

I was walking down a hallway when I spotted someone coming towards me. I recognized the person as Seth Rollins. 

I’m not going to lie, a part of my felt a slight attraction towards him. I’d never let him know that though.

“Hey beautiful,” Seth said with a smile. 

“Well aren’t you awfully flirty tonight,” I joked.

“What is that supposed to mean?” he asked, laughing.

“Well normally you never really acknowledge me,” I admitted.

“What? A guy can’t be nervous to talk to a beautiful girl?” he asked with a grin. 

My cheeks were probably bright red as I joked, “Well thank you Seth, you are pretty beautiful too.”

He laughed and said, “Well I gotta go get ready for the show. See ya.” He kissed me cheek softly and walked away.

I don’t really know what to make of this. I won’t mention this to Phil or he will flip out.

I got to the locker-room and pulled out my ring gear for the night. I chose a light blue top with white trim that fell above my bellybutton and matching short shorts. I laced up my black wrestling boots to complete my attire. I decided to take the braid out of my hair and let the waves stay. I put on a black headband to push the hair out of my face.

I walked out of the locker-room and saw a bunch of the guys at the food area. 

I immediately saw Seth and he saw me too. I flashed him a smile and he winked back. However, I don’t want him to get the wrong idea about me, I’m happily taken.

Tonight I was facing Brie Bella, so we both made our way to Gorilla.

Brie and I actually had a little bit of time for our match tonight. Normally, Divas have like three minutes for a match.

Brie and I were going back and forth the entire match. She hit me with a wicked neck breaker and I delivered an equally impressive superhurricanrana. 

Personally, I think matches that are so back and forth are the most exciting to watch/participate in.

Brie and I were throwing in punches, backbreakers, head scissors, and moonsaults throughout the match.

To be quite honest, the non televised matches are actually so fun. We get to do a lot more and we have a lot more time.

Tonight I decided to mix it up and I locked in the figure-four-leg-lock. Brie tapped out and I won the match.

The crowd was wild with cheers and chants. Our match was actually like 15 minutes. It was definitely a good one.

I walked backstage and a couple of guys complimented me on the match. 

After the show, I went back to the hotel room. Phil was awake and he was reading a comic book.

“Hey. How was your match?” he asked.

“It was pretty good actually. I locked in the figure four,” I announced happily.

“When did you learn that?” he asked.

“Flair helped with my training in FCW,” I said.

“Ohh, I didn’t know he worked there too,” Phil said.

“Yeah. So we are all going out tonight. You wanna come?” I asked.

“Nahh, I’ll stay here and watch some Walking Dead,” he said as he read.

 I got into the shower and let the hot water and steam take me away. I got out and checked my phone.

I had a text from Nikki that said:

All of us are going out to dinner and then the club. Dress to impress! Meet in the lobby at 11.

I groaned as I read the text. I actually had to look nice. I got out my suitcase and pulled out a gorgeous black dress.

It fell to my knees and had cut outs by the neck. It was taken in at the waist to flatter my shape. I grabbed my white clutch and put my wallet in it.

For a pop of color, I added a pair of red sky high peep toe pumps to match. 

I straightened my long hair and threw on a white head band. I added simple, yet noticeable makeup to complete the look. I always go heavy on the mascara.

I sprayed my favorite perfume; Happy Heart and left the bathroom.

Phil looked stunned as I walked out. 

“You are going out dressed like THAT?” he asked a bit annoyed.

“Nikki told me we are all going to dinner and then going out. She said dress up,” I said casually.

“She said dress up, not dress like you are trying to impress some other guy!” he said as he raised his voice.

“Phil, you need to calm down! I’m going out with our co-workers, relax,” I said as I got annoyed. 

“When are you going to be home?” he snapped.

“I don’t know,” I said as I felt myself getting angry.

Before he could say anything else, I slammed the door and left. 

It was 10:45 and I still had fifteen minutes to kill. I could have left later, but he was hammering me with questions. 

I was dressed nice, but DEFINITELY not slutty. I don’t know why he is acting like this all of a sudden. 

I sat down on the couches in the lobby and waited for time to pass. I went on twitter and browsed through my TL. I follow a few fans, but mostly WWE superstars.

I got bored and went on instagram. I took a snapshot of me In the mirror and captioned it;

Night on the town in Paris! Couldn’t get any better than this

The superstars were piling down and everyone looked so nice. John had a blazer on, Nikki wore a gown, Stephen had a tie on, Randy had a dress shirt too. 

I hoped that Seth was going to come down and sure enough, he did. He was wearing a white dress shirt and a nice pair of jeans.His hair was pulled back and he looked nice.

He smiled at me and I winked back. Tonight is going to be great!



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