Chapter 47; Telling

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*A Few Days Later*

*Alicia POV*

After several days in paradise, it was time to pack up and head back to cold New Jersey. I've had such an amazing time here.

I still can't believe that Phil and I are engaged. The only people i have told are Nikki, my mom, and Alaina. My mom and sister were thrilled when i told them the news. They really like Phil a lot.

It was only 8 AM and our flight didn't take off until 2 in the afternoon. Phil was still sleeping beside me, so i decided to hit the gym for a workout. 

I will be returning in a couple of weeks and i have a photo shoot to do when we get back. The photo shoot is for my new return promo.  I'm really stoked about getting back into the ring.

Also, i have an interview coming up on Ellen to promote all of the campaigns that WWE does, as well as my return. I know i will be asked some personal questions, but i'm okay with it.

I've been working out really hard lately, as well as practicing in the ring. I think that i have given myself enough time to grieve and heal.

It's crazy to think that our little boy would have been due in just 8 weeks. I'm trying to be positive about the whole thing though.

I slipped out of bed and left Phil a note;

Went to the gym downstairs.  Won't be too long ;)


I threw my hair back into a high ponytail and put on a pair of running shorts and a tight tank top. I grabbed my room key and headed down for the gym.

I went right to the treadmill and started running. I ran three miles in about 25 minutes before heading over to the bikes.  I spent about 20 minutes on them before heading to the StairMaster.

I turned it on medium and watched the TV's on the wall as i climbed up the stairs. I like that machine just because it makes your butt look good. 

After i was done i was walking through the gym before being stopped by a guy. "Hey. I couldn't help but notice how cute you are," he said with a smile.

He was about 6'0 and really buff. He had light blonde hair and electric blue eyes. "Well, thanks," i said softly. It was really awkward being hit on because i'm engaged...

"I'm Jeremy," he clarified as he shook my hand. He had a very firm grasp.

"I'm Alicia," i responded as i flashed a little smile.

"You have very nice eyes," he said smoothly.

"Thanks," i said trying to be polite. I have no intention of having a full conversation with him.

"Maybe we could go out sometime," he suggested as he winked at me. I obviously needed to set the record straight...

"Jeremy, you seem nice and all, but i am happily engaged," i said as i held up my left hand exposing my ring.

"So?" he said as he scoffed at the idea of commitment. I laughed at him before starting to walk away. 

He placed a firm hand on my wrist and pulled my towards him. I nearly fell to the ground, because he was so strong.

"Let me go," i said between clenched teeth. I was really getting angry with him now. He went way too far.

"Or what?" Jeremy asked teasingly. He teased, but it was more of a mean kind of teasing. 

"I'll kick your ass if you don't let her go," said a very familiar voice. I spun around and saw Phil standing there in his gym clothes. He was seething. 

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