Chapter 29; Moving On

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*Alicia POV*

*The next morning*

I woke up at around nine and I saw that Phil was already awake. I slept on the love seat last night because I didn’t want to be near him.

I didn’t end up falling asleep until five thirty this morning. Phil was reading a comic book on the bed and didn’t say a word. 

I went into the bathroom and locked the door. All I had to do today was sign some autographs at noon.

I hopped in the shower and stayed in there for a long time. I cried a little bit and thought about what I would say to Phil. 

I got out and quickly got dressed. I grabbed my favorite pair of black leggings that stopped halfway down my legs. 

I put on a loose white tank top with a cute black dream catcher on the front of it. I decided on wearing my red vans for a nice splash of color.

I quickly blew my hair dry and added some loose curls to it. I put on some makeup as well. I did smokey eyes and nude lip gloss. I added just a hint of blush for color.

I came out of the bathroom and Phil was still reading a comic. He didn’t even look at me.

“Are we going to talk about this?” I asked.

“What is there to talk about?” he grumbled.

“The fact that we are both miserable together,” I said.

“Well it seems like there is one obvious solution to this problem,” he said.

“You just wanna break up? You don’t want to talk this out?” I asked with shock.

“Look Alicia, it’s obvious we’d both rather see other people,” he admitted.

“What do you mean?” I asked even more confused.

“I know that you like Rollins,” he said flatly.

“I don’t know what you are being told, but I’m committed to you!” I said with frustration. “Why don’t you believe me?”

“Did you sleep with him?” he asked angrily.

“NO! I’ve been nothing but monogamous since we’ve been together!” I said raising my voice.

“That’s pretty hard to believe, considering how you’ve been dressing,” he said.

“I’m sorry I’ve been trying to look nice! What has gotten into you lately?” I asked.

“I’ve been talking to Amy as of late,” he admitted.

“Are you that unhappy with me that you have to start talking to an ex?” I yelled.

“I came to her for advice about you. Then we started talking more and I realized I still love her,” he said lowly.

“I can’t fucking believe you,” I said as I shook my head.

“I think we should see other people,” he said.

“Fine with me,” I said sadly.

“I’m sorry,” he said glumly.

“I’m going to take my stuff and room with someone else until we leave for Italy,” I said as I gathered my stuff. 

It makes me sad that after five months of dating, he can just leave me so easily.

I knocked on Nikki’s door and she said I could stay with her.

“Did you guys talk?” she asked.

“Yeah, we’re done,” I admitted sadly.

Brie and Nikki both hugged me tightly and a few tears streamed down my face. I needed to pull it together.

It was eleven thirty, so we headed out for the autograph signing. I grabbed my Diva’s title as we headed out the door.

We chatted as we walked down to the lobby.

“We need to do something fun in these last few days,” Nikki said.

“I agree one hundred percent! We can plan something for after the signing,” Brie said.

“It’ll be fun,” I agreed.

All of the superstars piled into a could of cars and we headed to the arena. There were several tables set up and I was seated next to Seth. A part of me was happy, yet sad at the same time.

“Are you feeling any better?” Seth asked as he sat down.

“Well, I’m single so you tell me,” I joked.

“I’m sorry Alicia,” he said as he hugged me.

“Don’t be, it’s better this way,” I assured him.

“Are you staying in the same room?” he asked.

“Oh god no. I moved to Nikki’s room,” I clarified.

“Her room is just a few doors down from mine,” he said.

“Greaaaat,” I said jokingly.

A ton of people came out and I signed tons of autographs. I saw that Phil was here too, but he was three tables over from me. 

Our eyes met once, and It was super uncomfortable. 

Honestly, I love getting to meet my fans and sign autographs. It brings a smile to my face when I see how happy they are.

We had a ten minute break so everyone relaxed for a bit.

Seth had been making me laugh all day and got my mind off of things. 

“How about I take you out tonight?” he asked.

“Hmmm… I don’t know. I mean Phil and I just broke up.” I said.

“It’ll be fine. Pleaseeeeee,” he pleased.

“Oh alright. Where are we going?” I asked.

“It’s a surprise. Be ready by five and dress up nice,” he said.

Maybe this is what I need to get my mind off of Phil…


Torn Between Two (CM Punk Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon