what's it like up there?

exciting, I can't wait to
see you gray... and ethan,
cameron, lisa, sean and

they all can't wait to
meet you.
time zones are weird but
your plane land at five-ish
here right?

yeah got to go to the
toilet and don't want drop
my phone down there.

talk soon, i'll text you at
like three-four?

okay, less then a day ahhh.


I turned off my phone and went to the toilet, when I came back I went to sleep again.

grayson dolan

she will be here in five hours, she will be in my arms in six. I get to see her beautiful eyes and smile in person. I get to smell that vanilla perfume she's alway talking about, ahhhh I know as soon as I see her i'll be a little bitch and cry.

I walked around the house not being able to sit down, "bro chill, play some mario kart with me." said ethan from over on the couch.

I sat down and began playing when I got a text, it was only mum.


don't forget to clean you're
room grayson, tell ethan
as well.

yeah, we will in a minute.


I tuned off my phone and pressed play on the game, I won most games. then a timer went off on my phone, it was four, "I need to message her bro." I turned off the game and went to text lexa but she texted me first.


one-two hours and i'll be
with you!

ahhh you bet me to it.

they just called for all phone to
be switched onto flight mode
for descending, i'll text you
when im waiting for my
luggage after I get off okay?

alright see you soon,
I love you.


I buried my face into my pillow and I am holding my phone on the chest waiting for it to vibrate. I got up to go to the toilet, I need to go so badly and I just keep going. i'm so fucking nervous.

my phone buzzed, I grabbed it and unlocked my phone so quickly.


i'm in an uber, i'm on my way.
it'll take about an hour
though so do something.


I stood up, pulling my hoodie on, I grabbed my camera off of charge. "i'm going, i'll be home soon."

"i'm coming." ethan yelled.

"no ethan, you can meet her later tonight." I said.


"ethan, please." I said pulling my shoes on.

"fine." he hissed before walking away.

I walked down our long ass driveway, then walked down the road to where her driveway was. I wasn't sure if she would go up her driveway or not, so I walked over to the park that's across the road from it.

it was almost seven, so it was getting dark. I sat on the swing, swaying slowly as I was waiting. a few cars passed, my heart skipped a beat each time. then a car stopped right there, right fucking there.

I saw her. I saw her and her mum grabbing their things from the boot, and a boy who I knew as cali.

she was looking around, i'm guessing she was looking for me. the car drove away, and I saw her mum and brother started walking up the driveway.

I pressed record on the camera and set it down, I slowly walked out into the street light, but she was facing the other way.

her phone moved to her ear and my phone rung, she turned looking straight at me.


I turned and saw him standing on the other side of the road. honestly my heart ached, he was actually there.

grayson is a bird boy

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