"are you fucking serious?"

she turned her phone, showing me the photo and I swear I hadn't ran that fast in a long time. I rushed myself into her house, finding her ipad in her room and going onto her instagram.

seventy-eight likes and a hundred and seven comments... I was about to press delete when something hit me. grayson.

I checked the comments, nothing. so I checked the likes, and there he was. I deleted the photo, grabbing my phone and he had texted me.


why didn't you tell me?
are you actually gay?
answer me.
lexa please.
goodnight, I love you.

I didn't think it would
affect our friendship.

it doesn't it's just, I
didn't know and you
never told me.

i'm not.



are you bi?

no, i'm straight.
that was all megan.
the kiss and the post.

oh my god.
thank god, I thought
you were lying to me
all these years.

nope, I definitely
like guys not girls.
I have to go, the girls
threw me a suprise sleepover
party, that I need to attend to.
i'll talk to you tomorrow.
love you.

I love you too.
I can't believe I get to hug
you in three days.
you're flight is so long,

i'll have internet and a
charger thing so I don't
really care ahah.
i'm so excited gray.

me too lex.


I switched my phone off and the girls had come inside, megan and mila included. I stood up, grabbing my things.

"guys i'm sorry, but i'm not really in the mood for this."

"well you can't leave without saying goodbye to us all." leah spoke.

"of course not." I laughed, hugging her tight, before everyone else. "i'll still be in the groupchat, just a facetime or message away."

megan had caged herself in her room, so I left without saying goodbye. I walk home was cold, at least it only took five minutes.

I opened the door, walking inside. "mum i'm home," I said putting my bag on the kitchen bench.

I noticed her lying on the carpet, a smile crossed my face. Iwalked back down and lifted her head, pushing the pillow under, then I placed the blanket over her.

the tv was blasting upstairs, so I went to see that my brother was awake.

"can you try turning that down." I hissed.

"can you try not being a bitch."

I rolled my eyes and left his room. it was like two am, I literally leave tomorrow. I laid in my corner, thinking about grayson.

I woke up at like ten, I walked down stairs the whole house was empty mum had taken all the stuff to charity that was left, and all there was were us, suit cases, bags and pillows and blankets.

we gotta get up at three am tomorrow and get the airport early, I hate flights, but I wasn't even nervous. I can't wait to get on that flight.

I checked my phone to see that megan had apologised and asked to see me today, I replied agreeing to see her later in the day... I never said goodbye.


I'm not sleeping tonight
at all until I get on the
plane at like five am so i'll
face time you tonight.

I can't believe we are
gonna actually meet
and live in the same
street as each other.
i'll be waiting out side
on wednesday night after
your plane lands, you
need to text me so I can
get ready.

I will.
I have to go see megan
now though, so i'll talk to
you later alright.
I love you .

I love you.


I turned off my phone, sliding my phone in my pocket and leaving to see megan. I walked towards her door, knocking and waiting.

"what are you doing here?" she asked.

"you asked me to come?"

"no I didn't."

"well one of the girls must of went on your phone, and pretended to be you. I came to say goodbye."

"say it then."

"megan, open the door properly."

"I don't want to say goodbye, just leave."

"you're my bestfriend." I lied, mentally telling myself grayson is.

"just leave, go run to grayson and tell me how it is to be rejected." she slammed the door.

"I don't see grayson that way, just like I don't see you that way." I spoke, "come on megan, this is your last time seeing me for what could be forever and you don't even want to hug me... see me."

"i'll be waiting out here for five minutes, it's up to you." I spoke, taking a seat on a large rock wall. boardering her garden.

four minutes passed, "one minute, I can hear you on the other side of that door."

"times up olivia, just go."

"megan I want to sa-"

"just fucking leave." she cut me off.

I stood up, walking towards my mums car. I got in, waiting a couple minutes before leaving. no goodbye, no nothing... she couldn't even face me.

I grabbed my laptop and everything to make sure it was charged and stuff. I laid in the corner on the emptied room texting grayson and before I knew it my alarm had gone off... holy fuck.

whilst i'm editing i'm getting so many memories from writing this book, like shit

bestfriends • grayson dolanWhere stories live. Discover now