9. arcade and surprises [m]

Start from the beginning

"Yah! Stop teasing and do your work before you get a bad grade." I rolled my eyes and shooed him away while I went to drawing.

I heard Taehyung clear his throat and crack his knuckles and started drawing but he was still facing me. I tried to not look at how nice his hands looked while gliding across the sketch pad and how he gripped the pencil. His hands were really intriguing.

I shook my head to get rid of my thoughts and went back to drawing. Taehyung was super concentrated now that he was sitting with us but now I was really distracted. I breathed in and out, cleared my mind, and focused on my galaxy.

Galaxies have always been interesting to me. It's crazy how there's tons of galaxies above us and we are only in one and we are just a small planet inside of it. I've spent hours just thinking about our universe and galaxies that I've actually scared myself with all the theories that I came up with. I usually tell Sora them but she's gotten too weirded out by them. Now, I just tell Namjoon because he can get on my level, if not higher.

"Alright class! 10 minutes left! I would like for you to turn in your work when class ends. I'm pretty sure I'll love all of your work, but I'm going to be choosing a select few to be displayed on the wall. Also, have a good weekend. Don't drink, stay away from drugs, and be safe!" Mr. Lee smiled. I honestly think he genuinely loves teaching and that's why he's my favorite teacher.

I finished my final touches and got up to turn it in and right when I turned around, Taehyung was behind me and I gasped at our close proximity.

"What fascinates you, Mia? " He stared at me, analyzing my face. His breath fanned my face when he spoke. He smelled of a hint of cologne musk with a hint of strawberries. It was intoxicating.

I swallowed and cough lightly,"Uhm, I-I drew a galaxy," I breathed, "What about you?" I said while trying to back up to have some sort of space but Taehyung just stepped closer.

"What fascinates you, Kim Taehyung?" I said while lightening up the tension that was forming between us in the middle of the classroom.

"You'll see." He winked before turning in his sketch and sitting back at his original table.

I went back to Aria and she looked like she kind of wanted to say something but didn't. I decided to break the awkward tension that was forming in the air.

"So, how are you liking our school?" I asked.

"Oh, I actually love it. There's so many nice people. You guys are so nice, especially Jimin and Yoongi. They've been super nice to me this week and it means a lot." She smiled while thinking about them. Well one of them likes you. Or maybe both.

"Can I tell you something?" Aria looked really nervous and I just nodded frantically.

"I, uh, I kind of like Jimin. But I kind of like Yoongi as well, I think? I know I like Jimin but I don't know. Yoongi has been so nice." I was kind of shocked and didn't know what to say. I felt kind of weird since I now KNOW a person who might like Yoongi. Also, Jimin likes Aria a lot and he probably already knows that Yoongi has some sort of interest in Aria since they are always wanting her attention.

Since I stayed silent while thinking of what she said, she went got really nervous,"Is that bad? Am I a bad person? Oh no. Maybe I shouldn't like either of them." She started panicking and I waved my hands for her to stop.

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