I bit my lip, a bit thinking about how to answer.

"He forgot that he had to do something.. So.. I left." 

"Hmm.. " He murmured. He was still smirking, and totally staring at me creepily.. 

What the heck, was I supposed to do.. I was just about, to get into my car again when he started talking again. Gees, all I wanted to do was go home, lay in my bed, eating ice cream, watching The Notebook. AND CRY! Its pretty late, you know. I don't wanna waste time when, I could be bursting out into tears wondering, why Blaine did that. Its completely, reasonable.

"Do you like.. Love him? Cause, I can tell right now your upset about him doing something. And I know hes gay. And you look.. Pretty gay so.. Tell me. Did he like reject you or something?" 

Wow. Made my day, so much better. I do NOT look gay. I just wear, more stylish and urban clothes then you. Gosh, people these days. Its not my fault, they don't bedazzle their clothes like me, or get whats IN. Plus.. He doesn't have very good fashion taste, in my opinion. I rolled my eyes, and explained how I did NOT look gay. Although, I added that I was.. Its official. I'm so pathetic. He chuckled, and then looked over at my car. 

"Okay yes.. He did TECHNICALLY reject me.. And yes I have a crush on him. How would you know though? He said you left, a while ago."

"I have a complete Gaydar. I smell gay and lesbian people, from a mile away." He smirked as he told me this..

I raised an eyebrow, and looked at my car as well.. Still wondering, what HE was looking at.

"Yeah. Well that's nice. So, if you don't mind you could possibly move from behind my car? So, I could just leave instead, of talking to you. If you haven't noticed its very late at night!" I told him, with a very firm look in my eyes. My hands were on my hips, and I was on a slant again. 

He stopped with his pathetic smirking, and instantly had a serious face. I thought, it was because of me.. But, then I realized someone MUST have been behind me. I slowly, turned around sort of surprised to see a woman with gorgeous orange hair, hazel eyes, a fairly tan complexion, plenty of freckles.. They could cover a mountain! And, let me add she had tons of make up. But, I could still tell she was probably, older then me. And, Blaine's brother. She was wearing, a green sleeved shirt and grey sweat pants. But, she wasn't even looking at me.. Which was the interesting part.. She was staring at Jason. Just plain staring, with a stare that only a mother could stare.. So, I quickly guessed it was his mom. 

"Jason, what in god's name are you doing here." She asked, in a slightly high pitched voice. She was frowning, with her arms crossed. 

He stared, and walked towards her. FINALLY! But.. Now I was curious about what this was? I couldn't watch and stay though. It was 9 o'clock. I don't usually stay over at people's houses this late. Course, Blaine was an exception.. If he hadn't REJECTED me. For some odd reason, I still had a strange feeling about what he did though. I stared at both Jason and the woman, and then opened my car door, and settled in. I started my car, and speedily drove away. I didn't want to know what happened, with him and that strange woman.. I didn't even want to know who she was. But, the last thing I saw was her hugging him, and him hugging her back..

Both practically crying a waterfall.

As I drove, I turned on the radio. Driving, and dreading about something that happened, something sad.. Its not a good combination. I tuned it to a good radio station, and started singing along to a song called..

Goodbye Lullaby

Yeah, that was totally gonna help! I sang along, anyways crying as I did. 

"I have to go,

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