"You're white too."

"Well you're whiter."

"Point taken. Can I finish my speech now?"

"Yeah, go on."

"Thank you...anyways, Dario my best advise would be to tell Miciah before she hears it from someone else."

"You're right...thanks Randy."

"What about me?" James asked.

"You didn't do shit."


"Oh...my moms calling I'll talk to you guys later." Randy said before hanging up.


"How did it go?" Randy's mom asked on the other line.

"Fine." He said flatly.

"Bullshit! He told me everything!"

"Okay mom, what do you want me to say?"

"Look he is your father."

"No he's not. He doesn't have the right to refer to himself as my father."

"Do you even have any respect for him?"

"Do I have-is that even a question mom? No. What about you? Do you have any respect for yourself? Or your current husband?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means this guy mistreated you and left you. Now you're with you husband that actually helped you but you're still looking out for him."

"I believe that everyone has a second chance in this world."

"Jesus, mom..."

"Randy...you told him you hated him..."

"Mom, do you...do you know what it was like having the biggest role model in your life just leave you?"

"I know what it's like having the person I love leave me. But I still forgave him."

"And you...do you know what it was like watching you come home every night tired and still heartbroken?"

"I...know what it was like seeing you confused and hurt because your father left you...but again, I still forgive him. And as in respect for my husband let me assure you that I do have a lot of it considering he approved all of this."

Randy sighed.

"Well good for you. But mom, I can't forgive him. Not now."

"So someday?"

"I don't know..."

"Bye then." She said before hanging up.

He leaned back in the couch sighing but sat up when the doorbell rang.

He got up to go answer it, knowing it was Annick.

"Hey." He said pulling her into a hug.

"Hi...are you okay?"

"To be honest...not really."

She pulled away, taking his hand.

"About your dad?"

"Does he even deserve that title?" He said sitting on the couch with her.

"I don't know. Do you think he deserves that title?"

"I don't know...on the way there I expected myself to act calm. I mean I knew I wasn't gonna be all happy when I saw him but I didn't expect myself to be mad."

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