I took a shower and put on some pajamas, but before I could fall asleep I got a text from Cameron

Be up early tomorrow, it's our next stop on the tour:)

My eyes went wide and I quickly got up packing everything I needed for tomorrow

I got back in bed and texted Cameron

At what time is the flight?

He didn't answer so I guess he was sleeping

So instead I just put an alarm for 4:30am and hoped for the best

Next morning (skipping to the airport)

The guys and I are now at the airport, thank god I put an alarm.

It's 6:03am and our plane leaves at 6:30am

I was sitting with gilinsky and Carter while the guys went to the bathroom

"they take like 30 years," gilinsky said annoyed

"I know right?" Carter laughed

We heard our planes flight number got called and seconds later all the guys came running towards us

We got on the plane and heard all the announcements they had to say

"We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing American Airlines. Enjoy your flight."

Everyone did as they were told, I put on my seat belt and turned off my phone.

"Where are we going again?" Matt asked resting his head on my shoulder

I rolled my eyes and laughed

"North Carolina," I answered him

He slowly nodded then closed his eyes

I had the window seat, and in my row was Matt and Gilinsky

I continued looking out the window as my eyes started feeling heavy, and soon I was sound asleep

"WAKE UP WE'RE HERE!!" Matt yelled pulling off my headphones

I groaned and looked outside the little window, and we had just landed.

Everyone was getting off the plane but I just stood there still half asleep

I felt a tap on my shoulder as I slowly turned around

"Need help?" Cameron smiled

I rubbed my eyes and looked around

"I got it I think, thanks," I smiled back and struggled to even walk straight

Cameron walked up behind me and got one of my suit cases that was on top of the seats (if you know what I'm talking about ily)

He grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek

"I'm helping you anyways," he winked as we finally got out of the airplane

*skipping the airplane thing so now they're at the hotel*

We had just arrived at the hotel, turns out I'm sharing rooms with Cameron, Shawn and Aaron

It was still quite early and we were all extremely tired, Cameron wanted to stay sleeping while the rest of us got some breakfast

"You have whipped cream on your nose!" I pointed at Shawn dying of laughter

We were eating pancakes and Shawn decided to decorate his with strawberries, bananas, and whipped cream

As I was there struggling to catch my breath, I felt two hands wrap around my waist

I got scared at first but then relaxed when I turned around and saw Cameron

"You should go rest, the show starts in a couple of hours you wanna make sure you have enough energy," he whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine

I slowly nodded as he took my hand and we both went back to our shared hotel room

Not gonna lie I was so tired, I wish I could just sleep all day

I jumped on the bed and quickly got comfortable

Seconds later I felt the other side of the bed dip as Cameron started to slowly massage my head

My eyes started closing, and I was fast asleep


Although school starts soon I'm still gonna try to keep updating(:

QOTD: what did u guys do this summer?

By the way it's like 4am so I'm knocking out goodnight/ good morning 💗💗

Bullied - Cameron DallasKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat