Chapter Twenty-One: Test

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Nate came to, looking around the area. Mat was gone. Mark was gone. Sean was gone. Everyone he'd known was gone. Morgan and Steph were probably dead too.

"GOD F***ING DAMMIT!" He screamed, slamming his hands over his ears. "WHY ME OF ALL PEOPLE?!?!" Nate started to cry, his eyes puffy and red. "Oh Mat, what have I done?"

"You killed him Nathan. It's simple." A voice rang in the back of his mind, taunting the ebony.

"Huh?" Nate spun on his heel. Nothing was there. Just the endless road and some wrecked cars and trucks.

"So stupid. So naïve. You're too young to understand Nathan. HE. IS. DEAD!" The voice roared in Nate's head.

Nate held his head and whimpered. This voice hurt his head. It was as painful as a knife entering his skull. "Wh-Who are you?" He asked in fear.

"I am your worst Natemare. HAHAHHAHAHAH!" The evil laugh rocketed throughout his skull, as sinister as a killer.

"N-Natemare..." Nate stood up, trembling. "Y-You're just a fantasy..."

"I assure you I'm real Nathan. Who else found the way to your dear Matthew?" Natemare snarled.

Nate gasped. He did know the way!

"Fine demon. Let's go."
Mat blinked. Wasn't he dead? He was strapped to a gurney, and several soldiers were above him. They wore masks, but where were they from? He couldn't remember.

The moving stopped and two black doors opened. A doctor stood there, his eyes light brown. He looked really young.

"My name is Doctor AJ. Welcome Matthew."

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