"Depends on what it is."

Start from the beginning

"Ok...this might be too much to ask but-"

"Yes, I'll come with you." She chuckled.

He pulled her on his lap and kissed her.

"I love you." He mumbled against her lips.

She pulled away and smiled.

"I love you too but I'm hungry so I'm gonna head downstairs."

"You seriously just ruined our moment." He said pushing her off making her laugh.

She got up kissing him on the cheek and running out of the room.


"James, this thing is getting bigger." She said looking at her stomach in the mirror.

"Is it usual for it to get that big so early?"

"We should start facing the reality that there is more than one in here."


"James, what's wrong?"

"When they're born...I don't want you doing most of the work."

"Oh...well James you know we'll figure something out."

"Yeah. But anyways are you ready to go?"

She nodded, getting up.

His mom wanted to see them today so that was exactly where they were headed.


"Oh James honey, it's so good to see you." She said kissing her son and turning to Brazil.

"Look at you sweetheart, you're glowing."

Brazil looked down smiling.

"Thank you."

"Come on, you two. Everyone is in the kitchen."

James was happy to be able to see some of his relatives but his smile dropped when he made eye contact with his stepbrother Cletus.

Cletus's eyes moved from him to Brazil.

"Are you really fucking dating her?" He asked standing up making all their relatives look at him.

"I am, Cletus and guess what? She's pregnant too." James smirked.

"Cletus what is the matter with you?" Lauren questioned, frowning.

"Well-Lauren, we're all thinking it."

"Thinking what?" One of James's aunts asked.


"Oh go ahead, Cletus. Tell them what I am." Brazil crossed her arms.

"What is she? You're not a murderer are you? Oh I can't have another murderer granddaughter in law." James's grandma said.

"She's black everybody! Can't you see?"

Everyone blinked in confusion.

"I don't see where you're going with this." Lauren said.

Cletus grew more and more frustrated.

"She's black! She's a nigger and and they're gonna have a nigger baby together and none of you even care!"

Everyone's jaw dropped.

James moved forward to Cletus but Brazil stopped him.

"Wait what am I doing? Get him James." She said letting go.

With no hesitation, James's fist made contact with Cletus's eye.

"What the fuck!" Cletus exclaimed.

James's grandma stood up.

"I want you out of this house...now."

Cletus's eye widened.

"Me? But I-"


He sighed pushing past everyone and heading for the door.

"And don't even think I won't be telling your mom about the way you behaved today!" Lauren yelled as he left.

She turned around sighing.

"Brazil I am so so sorry you had to witness that."

"It's all good." Brazil shrugged.


Cletus slammed down his second bottle of beer.

His mom called saying she wanted him and his stuff out of her house.

He would have to reach out to his dad for some place to stay.

He was still mad though.

He wondered why they kicked him out and not that monkey.

"Cletus Lucksberg?"

Cletus turned his head to see some blonde guy.

"What do you want?" He spat.

"My name is Troy Watson. Maybe you'd like to help me with something."

"Depends on what it is."

"Well something that can help you get some cash."

"I'm listening."

The smirk on Troy's face grew.


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