Blood Born - Chapter 36

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I sat in James's study, the drapes drawn closed and a fire crackling. My mind was steeped with anger as the tears fell down my cheeks. There was no way Elizabeth could be dead. She was though. She was gone. My friend was gone.

The guards began to file in shortly after I took up a seat at the desk. The head guard deposited three pearl necklaces in front of me. I picked each up, carefully examining each one before shaking my head.

"No. None of these are the right one."

"Yes, ma'am." He turned and hurried out.

James unstopped a bottle of malt and poured two glasses. I gladly accepted one from him, sipping at the amber liquid, ignoring the burning sensation as it slid to my belly. My throat was on fire and it sat in my stomach heavily and angry. I didn't care though. It warmed my trembling body.

Staring into the fire, I tried to imagine life without Elizabeth by my side. How was I to marry without one of my chief ladies?

"There are more." James placed his hand on my shoulder, drawing me from my thoughts.

I turned to the desk and examined the necklaces. None of them matched. My heart sunk to the pit of my stomach as the hours ticked away.

I waved them off as I finished off the glass of malt. "Another."

"Are you..."

"I said another!"

"Alright." James didn't question me further. He simply poured the drink and stepped back.

"Evelyn, this isn't the way to go about this." Charlene reached for the glass, but I smacked her hand away.

"This is how I am going to go about things for now. Until I find who did this, I will sulk and be sullen. I shall not marry until the culprit responsible for Elizabeth's death is located."

"What if it wasn't anyone here?" Charlene asked.

James stepped forward, placing the decanter on the table. "It very well could have been The Guild."

I shook my head. "No. No this was not them."

"How are you so certain?"

"They are neat and methodical. This was messy and planned."


"The Guild would never have left a trail of blood like that. They wouldn't have killed Elizabeth differently than the rest of the staff." I stood, glass in hand, and strode to the window that overlooked the area where the remains were found. "Let's not forget that the Guild members never made their way inside. All of their killings happened in the back near the kitchen."

James pursed his lips and furrowed his brows for a moment. "You are right. They never came inside the castle."

"So, logically thinking, it had to be someone inside. It had to be someone staying here."

"You know what, Evelyn, I think you might be right," Charlene said, pacing about the room as we all waited for more guards.

"Of course I'm right! I know I'm right. Now when we find who has her necklace, we'll find the evil-doer who murdered the dear Elizabeth."

"How can you be sure?"

"She had not taken that trinket off since..."

"Since when?" James prodded.

"Since the Earl, John Stewart gave it to her."

Charlene nodded.

I stood, the drink nearly tipping over in my hurry. "How well do you know the earl?"

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