Blood Born - chapter 30

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"Excuse me, Evelyn."

"Elizabeth! Where have you been?"

"Uhm, preoccupied, Lady."

"Preoccupied? How so?"

I glanced behind her as a Scottish Earl hurried by.


She shrugged her shoulders. "I do hope you know I shall be accompanying you."

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Who?" Her flushed cheeks grew redder as she attempted to avoid the question.

"That was the Earl of Buchan. John Stewart."

I crossed my arms and tapped my toe at her.

"Stop it, Evelyn. I am old enough to marry."


She put a hand up to cut me off. "Where are we going?"

"I'm not sure yet."

"How do you expect to defeat the Guild if you aren't even sure where they are?"

"Draco is finding out."

She shook her head and crossed the room. "Evelyn, this is going to be dangerous."

"I already know. My mother has discussed this with me quite extensively. She's alright with this, not to mention I won't be alone. I'll have James, Elizabeth, and you."

She sat on my bed and stared out the window. A forlorn and distracted look crossed her face. Something bothered Charlene and I wasn't sure what. The thought of me going to battle couldn't have affected her in such a way. She always stood by my side and vowed to aid me whenever she could.

"What's wrong, dear friend?"

"Is this such a good idea? Do you remember what happened when you went to them? When they kept you in that castle? You were gone for such a long while. I don't want anything to happen to you, Evelyn. I know I'm not, but I love you like a sister. You're part of me. The thought of possibly never hearing your voice again is torturous."

"Fret not! I shall be fine. We all shall be."

"I suppose." She stood and strode to the connecting door. "I am tired. Goodnight, your majesties."

"Sleep well, Elizabeth."

After the door clicked shut James wrapped me in his arms and pulled me close to his body. He was warm and smelled heavenly. Inhaling his scent deeply sent a shudder of ecstasy down my spine.

"Don't leave," I whispered.


"I'm serious. Stay with me tonight."

"In the same room?"

I laughed lightly at his surprise. "Of course in the same room."

"Isn't that inappropriate?"

"What about our relationship has been appropriate thus far, James? How often do princesses go riding off into the forest with a man and no chaperon?"

"Not often I venture to guess."

"No, not often at all." I held tightly to his midsection, fearful that if I let go he would vanish. "Stay. I want you to stay."

Kissing the top of my forehead, he tangled his fingers in my hair. "I shall stay."

James walked to the bed, sitting on the soft mattress. Ducking behind my changing screen, I removed the heavy gown and put on a night dress. The pins that held my curls in place came out of my hair rather easily. My curls fell about my shoulders, cascading down my back. My heart felt as though it would leap forth from my chest as I stepped around the screen. James stood; his jaw slacked only slightly, and his chest heaved beneath the tunic he wore. My cheeks burned as his eyes roved over my body.

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