Blood Born - Chapter 34

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St. Andrew's was a lush green place with a large castle sitting on a seaside cliff. The towers offered defense from the surrounding land and any ships that may come. We remained high above the bustling activity below, watching in anticipation at what may occur. My heart sped up as I spotted Agnolo emerge from the fortress. I could feel the heat rising in my body. Blue light emanated from my fingertips as the anger bubbled in my gut.

"Calm yourself, Evelyn," Draco said.

Reginald snorted a plume of dark smoke. "I do not like this."

"What's wrong?" James asked.

"It is entirely too easy for us to get close."

I let my fingers play with the vial of the mortal potion the witch gave me. I kept it on me at all times waiting till the moment I could use it on Agnolo, Berard, and Githa.

A swarm of assassins ran out from every door of the castle, gathering in the center courtyard. An uneasy feeling clenched my stomach as a large catapult was dragged from beneath one of the towers.

"We need to move. Now!" I shouted.

A large fireball whizzed past my head moments after saying it, singeing part of my hair. Sweat beaded on my forehead from the heat as Draco flapped his massive wings taking us higher into the clouds.

"How did they know?" James asked, shouting over the wind.

"Who knows? They know everything!"

"It doesn't matter. They know we're planning something. We must get to the elders."

"To Kirkcaldy."

As another fireball emerged from the clouds, we left the place. The assassins vanished just as quickly as they'd appeared. There were too many for us to destroy on our own. My visit to Italy had done nothing to stop the Guild.

As we neared the two sheer white walls, I held tightly to Draco. He held his wings in as we dove toward the ocean. Once he was a few feet from the water he released his wings and glided over the choppy ocean. Reginald and James followed close behind. At the base of the cliff wall, Draco stretched out his talons and grasped the rock, climbing slowly. I tightened my knees about his neck and clung to his scaly shoulders with all my might. A low rumble seemed to erupt from the earth, shaking the very cliff we climbed. Reginald and Draco replied with the same deep rumble. A large white head emerged from the top, smoke billowing from its nose.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"The oldest of all dragons. That is mother dragon. Syrrith."

"Mother of all dragons?" James asked.

"She is the first of us," Reginald responded.

A second dark blue head emerged, smoke billowing from its nose as well.

"And that is?"

"Father of all dragons. Fafnir. They are the sun and moon. Day and night."


Draco let out a high-pitched yelp which seemed to cause my insides to jiggle about my body. A fireball from Syrrith was replying to his call.

"What did that mean?" I whispered.

"They are not pleased."


"The situation of the world."

"Oh." I pursed my lips and took a deep breath. "Are they going to eat us?"

Reginald let out a low chuckle. "No. The dragon elders will not eat you."

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