Part 35

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Cole's POV
I walked into the hospital room and Cleo was staring down at her children. Lexi and Leo were cooing and doing the cute stuff babies do. I wanted to tell her that they were beautiful that they were just like her but words never came to my mouth. She noticed me and smiled joyfully as any mother who is showing off her children does.
"Aren't they adorable." She laughed and I waked over. They had fallen asleep in her arms cuddled together.
" they look just like you." I commented and she shook her head.
" no Leo looks like me but Lexi....." She trailed off.
" does she look like anyone?" I asked wondering who their father was and if Cleo knew them. But if they looked like someone she knew would she be with me anymore?
" yes actually...... Cole hold her you will see." Cleo worried and handed me Lexi. I cracked her in my arms and she began to wake up. Black hair, I knew no one with black hair did I? She also had a slightly tanned but mostly pale skin color. Who's child was she. Lexi opened her eyes and I felt like I was looking into a mirror. How could I be so stupid.
" are they mine?" I asked Cleo and she nodded. I was their father, I had children. Best of all I had children with Cleo. I saw Cleo with a worried and nervous look and I realized I had been quiet to long.
" Cole is this good or bad." She said cutting to the chase.
" this Cleo is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Does Leo look like you then?" I asked and she handed me Leo. He had Cleo's hair and my eyes. I held my two joys in my hand and Cleo came up and leaned on me. I had everything I needed in life and I was never letting them go.

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