Part 26

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Greg came back with the girl almost an hour after Cole left. I was surprised when he opened the door so I could meet her. She had long golden blond hair and green eyes. She was tall but not to talk and had huge boobs.
"Cleo meet Victoria Allen."Greg introduced.
For the following read Victoria's part with a snobby voice
"Ya Victoria with a V" Victoria said and I looked at her in shock.
" well duh how else do you spell it." I retorted and Greg slapped me across the face.
" Cleo be nice to the guest and my new wife." He boasted and I laughed. He slapped me again.
" no mocking me now me and Victoria better get to bed." He said and Victoria let out a giggle.
" bye Cleo hope you suffer." She said all sweetly and Greg kissed her. He shut the door and I pulled the picture of my twins from my pocket. I looked at my children and held my tummy protectively.
" hang in there babies I'm here for you." I told them and fell asleep soon after.
They kept me locked in there for the next month, I know I counted how many times Greg or Victoria came and fed me then beet me. When Victoria came it was in the morning and when Greg came it was night. Victoria hated my guts because she didn't think it was fair that Greg was forced to be a partner with me. That was the lie he told her and she believes anything he said. I'm three months now and I'm hoping that Cassidy can get to me soon. I've been taking the pills Cole told me to and I hope my children are okay. Victoria was pregnant but she didn't know it. I heard her throw up every morning and then blame Greg's food. I can't call her stupid because I thought it was that too.
" Cleo help me I'm dying." Victoria called out and I groaned.
" I can't Victoria I'm locked in here." I replied and went back to my thoughts. The door opened and a very distressed Victoria came through.
" please you have got to help me." She begged and I rolled my eyes.
" what is it now is your nail polish chipped." I asked and she shook her head.
" your pregnant you would know, I've been having morning sickness haven't I." She asked and I felt a pang of pity.
" yes you have now go away." I sighed and she started to ball her eyes out.
" what I'm Pregnant no I can't be my figure will be gone and Greg doesn't want any children and I will be divorced from him. I won't tell him and you won't either." She sobbed and I tried to comfort her.
" just act obedient and love him and let him do whatever to you and he will keep you." I reassured.
" is that what you didn't do." She asked and I laughed.
" yes that is exactly what I didn't do. Now go to the store and get a pregnancy test." I told her and she nodded. She stopped on her way out.
" thank you Cleo." She said and I watched as she left in hope of Greg still loving her. Poor thing , knowing him he probably never loved her in the first place.

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