Part 16

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The weeks passed by slowly and it was torturous to wait through them. I had morning sickness everyday and if I looked close enough I could see a small baby bump. Greg never hit me in that time since I did nothing to anger him. He didn't believe the lie about Cassidy helping my babies but he let me go around after Cole mentioned that she would be more likely to get mad if she was always stuck with him. He threatened me that one word of anything and he would kill the children before they could take their first breath. Cassidy was on the verge of popping with her children but still had a few days left until they came. She, her brother and Ashley had moved into a huge apartment since they had slot of children now. It had 5 bedrooms and three bathrooms. I was excited to have my first ultrasound and to see my children for the first time. Morgan decided that she wanted Cassidy to be her doctor to as did Ashley so all three of us went together.
" so what genders do you guys want." Morgan asked.
"We don't find the genders out till 4 months you know." I pointed out.
" I know I'm just curious." Morgan shrugged.
" Okay well I want a little boy and a little girl." Ashley said. " or two little girls."
"I want two little girls and I want them to look a lot alike." Morgan said pridefully. " what about you Cleo.?" I had to think got a minute.
" I don't care really I would love a little girl but I also want a little boy so maybe I'll get both." I hoped and they nodded.
"Any names?" Ashley asked.
"I can't think of any for the life of me." Morgan complained.
" I already know, if it's two boys Jordan and Jonathan. If it's one of both Jack and Jocelyn and if it's two girls River and Rosie." Ashley informed.
"I'm not that far, I like River and Rosie though. I was thinking about Leo for a boy since it rhymes with Cleo. Maybe another name that starts with a L." I explained.
" I like Jordan , I'm so stealing that from you Ashley if you don't name one that. I like Jackson too and nickname him Jack. Thanks for the inspiration." She said and swung her arms around us. At the hospital there was a lot of other girls in are age group that I'm going to assume are also in the project. One girl looked familiar and I looked at her more closely. She turned around and looked at me and we both gasped. I ran toward her and gave her a huge hug.
" Rocky your back" I sobbed and she hugged me closer.
" I never left Cleo and you know that." She said and looked at me in the eye.
" I can't believe you lived." I laughed and she smiled
" I knew you would" she winked and laughed harder. She put a hand on her stomach and looked at mine.
" your a lot smaller than me" she commented and I gave her a wired look.
" I'm only 3 weeks since that's when the project started" I told her and she gaped at me.
" I am too and but I look like 1 1/2 months or more maybe they are big?"  She worried I was going to tell her that it would be fine when Ashley came over.
" Cleo who is this." She asked and I smiled.
" Ashley this is Rocky, my sister."
Nina Dobrev as Rocky

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