Part 2

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"Morgan!" I yelled and shook her. She moaned and woke up.
" what just happened?" She asked and I shook my head.
"I don't know it was so weird" I replied and I hugged her.
" look" she pointed and I looked behind me and I saw a cloud of dust  rolling toward us. As it passed it swallowed everything in its path. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as it came over us. It was long and I couldn't hold my breath that long. My face we heating up and my ears where about to pop. I succumbed and I took a deep breath, then another. It didn't hurt. I could hear Morgan next to me breath too. After a few minutes it cleared and continued down to the other houses.
" we should head home it was probably and Earthquake" Morgan said breaking the silence
" your right text you after. " I replied and got in my car. It was a little beat up but it hasn't been able to fly off because of the wooden gate that held it firmly in place. Morgan's car was the same case. I started to drive but could only go about 5 miles per hour so I could stay behind the dust cloud. After 20 minutes I was finally home and my mother was in tears.
" what's wrong?" I asked not seeing any damage to the house.
" Cleo you could of just died and you are asking what is wrong!" She screams and I backed off
" I know I should have stayed inside I didn't know there was going to be an Earthquake" I apologized and she look horrified
" Cleo that was no Earthquake" she sobbed " that was a meteor"

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