Part 8

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Cole's POV
I parked my car in the first spot toward the bottom as I could. Stupid pentagon with small parking spots. I began my walk to the bottom when two girls came flying down the railings. The second one caught my eye with her laugh that echoed around in my head. She reached the bottom before I could get to her but I saw her and her friend fighting then laugh. That laugh what was it that got to me? She then walked away and got lost in the crowd. I fought my way through the crowd that was pushing and shoving me in all different directions. I looked ahead and saw the girl. I was about to call out to her when she turned and I got let in her hazel eyes. She turned around and hurried away which left me upset. Was I not good enough for her? Or maybe she had a boyfriend? I pushed her out of my head and scolded myself. Leave it to me to fall for a girl I just saw today. I finally found an info station. After filling out a sheet a lady ushered me into a room.
" hurry you'll be late" she hurried and I opened the door. The lights where already off and a man was talking. The door had made the loudest noise possible and everyone looked at me. I saw the girl and our eyes met. She quickly turned away.
"Sir the presentation has started" a man on stage noticed
"Sorry the lady tried to squeeze me in" I answered and didn't wait for his answer before sitting down in the only empty seat, next to the girl. I wanted to say something to get but he started to talk again. It was a lot of crap about saving the human population and stuff like that. I didn't like his plan about marriage and kids but hey I didn't have an opinion did I.
" do we have to do this" the girl next to me called and I smiled. She was stubborn.
" if you want to live" the man replied and I wanted to go up there and knock some sense into him. Wasn't this a free country? She was infuriated and followed him after he left the stage so I didn't get to talk to her. Oh well with this arrangement I would be working and she would be staying at her home. I probably would never see her. I got at the end of the line and snarled at what they were doing. They where taking a sperm from us and giving it to the girl on the other side. I figured that I wouldn't even know my children which deeply concerned me. I am going to admit that even though I looked tough and bold I was actually quite a family guy. Who ever I was paired with would have kids and that would probably do, but still a guy has the right to know how kids. The line took forever and after I was done I saw the girl who had stormed in after the man come back out with a worried and scared look. She probably had seen that the man would actually kill her and been to scared to go through with it. I was brought to the room that would decide my entire future, my job , home and wife. I took a seat and saw the girl come in with a satisfactory face. Her friend from before yelled at her for going to the bathroom and I laughed, really the bathroom was the best lie she could do. The man then came in and I felt butterflies in my stomach. Really manly of me. I felt my jitters disappear when the man called out
" May I please haveCleo McCathy" the man and I was worried that he would kill her. When she didn't go he found her in the crowd.
" Cleo McCathy I see you" he called and she succumbed and went onstage with him. He was going to kill her! I sneaked out of the room using the lie I had to use the bathroom to anyone who asked. I saw him being her into his office, weird I wouldn't want to kill anyone in my office. I eavesdropped and heard him growl
" you are mine and mine solely understand" Cleo then did the stupidest thing she could of
" no I don't understand" she said more but I couldn't hear. Then I heard her say
" besides I already got the twin shot so you can't have any children with me for a while."
Then I heard the sound of a hit and I jumped. He was hitting her. I could take no more and I went back to the room. Within one name mine was called
" Cole Martins partnered with Morgan Garcia" the announcer said and I liked around to see who Morgan Garcia. It just so happened it as Cleo's friend and I felt my heart jump. She would surely introduce me to Cleo.
" Mr. Martins you will be living in apartment 3H7 here are the your keys and you will be working as Mr, Hadley's personal assistant" I was given the keys to my apartment.
" Hi I'm Morgan as you know and I guess we are married" Morgan said coming up to me. She wasn't bad looking just a little young looking. I was 21 and in the end of this group she looked about 17 and I was not interested in 17 year olds, was Cleo that old?
" how old are you" I asked and immediately regretted it. She had come on so nice and I just wanted to know answers. She hated me immediately and I saw it in her face.
" 19 you" she replied dryly and I was relieved. If she was 19 so was Cleo who actually looked 19.
" 21 and let's head to the apartment before we stand here talking all day" I shut her up and turned to the door. What a great life I would have I thought sarcastically. After no more that two minutes I already wanted to leave this girl. To bad I didn't get Cleo.
Image above is of Cole Martins

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