Part 5

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I won. I got to Washington in 4 hours and Morgan got there in 4 hours and 3 minutes. We both went faster then Siri said was the time from New York to Washington DC. The parking lot reserved for the Pentagon was huge and and we got top row spots with meant we got to go down all 20 flights of stairs. Why you may ask, because we would slide down the railings. It was literally the funniest thing ever.
" you cheated" Morgan pouted when we met up.
" no I'm just faster" I bragged and we slid down the stairs. We saw a lot of people in he way down and one boy stood out. He had black hair and piercing blue eyes. He soon got lost in the crowd and I forgot after. At the bottom Morgan won and I didn't find that fair so I made my 5 year old face and she laughed
" even though your mother died today you can still be an annoying bratty thing" she laughed
" I was never one who mourned" I confessed and we kept walking. Washington DC was beautiful and even though a meteor had just struck earth and nearly everyone died I was enjoying myself. The pentagon was crowded and I held onto Morgan's wrist so I wouldn't get lost. I felt someone looking at me and I turned to see who it was. I saw those piercing blue eyes again staring back at me. I quickly turned away and ran after Morgan who was talking with an older lady.
"She says that since we are 19 we have to go to the matching side."Morgan reported and pointed to a huge sign that said MATCHING
" what are they matching" I asked her and she shrugged
" probably some cards or stiff to determine why we survived and if we are just a lot smarter" she replied and then looked at the info sheet in her hand.
" we will be in the 18-21 group then" she looked up and led the way to a info sheet where she wrote our names, ages and where we lived.
" what are we being matched up for" I asked the lady that worked there she cleared her throat and said
" Marriage"

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