Part 34

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Cole POV
Greg threw Cleo across the room like she was a feather. He turned to me and threw several punches that I dodged like a pro. Cleo yelled in pain and I looked over to her and she had blacked out. Greg landed a punch in my jaw and I fell back a few steps. Victoria came in and started to cheer on Greg. He threw the next pin he and I caught it and pushed him back. He was angry now but so was I and when he charged at me I stepped aside and let him run into the wall. Victoria came behind me and punched my back which caused me to trip and step on Greg. He passed out and Victoria ran to him.
" look what you did!" She yelled and comforted him. I ran to Cleo who was sitting in a pool of blood. Oh no what had he done. I picked her up and carried her toward the hospital with blood running down my sleeve. The nurses immediately took her from me and probated me from following. They made me sit in the waiting room with my shirt blood stained. I called the police and told them what Greg did. They asked me a ton of questions and I answered them all honesty. Yes he attacked first, yes I punched him back. And yes I did win. They asked me to report to the station once she woke up and I anxiously waiting for the nurses to come in. It was 2 days that I waited only sleeping once they kicked me out. On the 2nd day they called me in to see her and she was staring at the TV that was blasting some report.
" how are you feeling?" I asked and she looked at me with scared eyes.
" I broke my spine, I was suppose to die. In fact when you brought me here I was dead and I came back. I came back from sheer will." She explained. I saw that she didn't want to talk about it so I left her alone. I went out to the police station where they gave me the news, Greg was dead. He had hit his head against the wall and had died of a blot clot. They asked me how he died and I told them the whole fight. I told them the doctors said Cleo was suppose to die to but had survived out of will. They were suspicious but let me and Victoria go. I was relived and went to see Cleo.
Cleo's POV
I sat on the bed after Cole left. I was glad he left because o needed to be alone. I had died and I had felt it. I wanted to survive so I did. That was hard to take in. A nurse entered and checked my blood and heart.
" there is someone we would like you to meet." The nurse said and I rolled my eyes.
" I know it's a miracle that I lived but I don't want to see anymore doctors." I groaned.
" no it's not that it's you children." She said with a warm smile. I looked down at my stomach. How has I not noticed they weren't in there anymore? The nurses brought in Lexi and Leo who they had pulled out when they thought I was dead. They were crying and I held them close to me. They stopped and looked up at me. I nearly dropped them when I saw their eyes. They were blue, piercing blue. The same thing as Cole's. I realized something, Cole was their father.

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