Part 32

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The week went by way to fast. It consisted of kisses, donuts and more kisses. Victoria and Greg came back very tanned and happy so I escaped a beating. Victoria started to were this shirt that had a deep V neck and said Baby Mamma across the chest. Also it made her bump look much bigger. Greg already scored this baby, he bought it cribs and toys even though Victoria was only like 2 1/2 months. They covered the walls with ultrasound pictures and luckily it was only one. Since Greg used up one of my babies rooms for Victoria's my children would both me staying in my room  with me, until they died. I was 5 months now, 4 more months until I met Lexi and Leo. Victoria already told me that Greg was going to take her to Hawaii when she was 5months so I had to wait till then to see Cole. It was a painful 3 months until then with Victoria thinking of names for her little girl. They decided on the stupidest name they could think of,  London. Seriously no name like a sunken city. By the time they left for Hawaii I was 8 months and huge. Rocky had a C section delivery already and her children and get where getting stronger on the hospital. I was eagerly awaiting my children and hoped Greg would spare them. It was unlikely but I had offered help with Victoria's child and he had considered it.
" we will be back in 2 weeks." Greg promised and I hid my sorrow that he would be coming back at all. He left and I didn't fall asleep this time. Cole ran in and he scooped me up careful of the baby bump.
" two long months." He sighed into my ear.
" to long." I breathed and he kissed me like there wasn't a tomorrow. We kissed for hours and it was the most magical thing in the world. That was until I spotted Greg in the door.

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