Part 18

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" what!" I yelled and she clutched her stomach.
" Rocky and Morgan take her to the hospital,or rather since we are already in the hospital take her to the ER. Ashley come with me and we will get Una from daycare." We spilt up and I hoped Cassidy would make it. The daycare was called Happy Friends and it was huge. There was like three floors and that was not counting the bouncy house. Ashley found Una who was playing with a life sized dollhouse.
" Come on Una your Mommy is having your brothers." I told Una.
" Really I'm going to be a big sister today yay." She sang Ashley went to pic her up but she began to pout.
" I want her to pick me up" she wines and I picked her up. Then the little 3 year old girl began to sing about how she was going to be a big sister.
" Una are you going to be a good big sister?" I asked and haw nodded.
" I'm going to feed them and dress them and cuddle them and play ball with them and love them so much." Una said and I loved her instantly. I couldn't wait to have my children. We rushed back to the hospital and sat in the waiting room. Rocky came down and sat with us.
" so quadruplets huh" I said to her and she nodded.
" another nurse looked at me quickly after and said that it was two sets of identical twins." Rocky said nervously.
" well then that will be a lot of name remembering." I joked. Rocky began to sob.
" I'm not ready for this yet Cleo, to handle 4 children. What if I don't remember their names. What if they don't like me. What if I'm not a good mom?" She cried
" Rocky you will be a great Mom and we will all be there to help." I soothed. Una came and sat with Rocky singing the sun will come out tomorrow. She didn't know all the right words but was so close so I didn't correct her. Rocky laughed and Una cheered. A nurse came over to us.
" Cassidy has had her children would you like to see." The Nurse said and we nodded.
" I'm going to go home and tell Landon the news." Rocky said and hugged me. She left and we followed the nurse. She led us to a room where Cassidy was sitting.
" Mommy!" Una yelled and climbed up very carefully to her mom and three little brothers.
" hey Una do you want to meet your little siblings." She said and Una nodded.
" This is Tyler." She said and gave Una Tyler. Una played with his tiny fingers for a minute before giving him back to Cassidy.
" this is Charlie." Cassidy introduced and handed Charlie to her who immediately started to cry. The nurses took him away from Una to be feed and Una looked heartbroken.
" And finally the big surprise Una meet you little sister." Cassidy said and placed her in Una's arms. Una was memorized by her little sister and cooed and played with her. Her little sister played back and loved Una by far more than the others.
" I thought you were having all three boys." I asked Cassidy and she smiled.
" so did the doctors but no they made a mistake there was  a little girl in there too." Cassidy laughed as Una tried to hug the baby but didn't want to hurt her.
" what is her name" I asked and she pondered
" I don't know what do you want to name her Una." Cassidy asked and Una's eyes lit up.
" I want to name her magical princess fairy." Una delighted and we all laughed.
" any thing else?" Cassidy asked and Una thought for a minute.
" can we name her Rose after the rally pretty flower?" Una asked and Cassidy smiled.
" yes let's name her Rose since she is so beautiful." Cassidy said pridefully and Una frowned.
" but I'm beautiful and you didn't name me rose." Una wines and Cassidy laughed.
" you are both beautiful and so are your little brothers" she said and had the twin boys sit in her lap. All 5 of them looked so happy and I couldn't wait until  I start mine. It was at this very moment that Greg barged in.

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