Part 20

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I don't know how long I have been in here but it's been at least two weeks. Greg opened the door once a day to feed me and bring me a single glass of water. I didn't speak to him and he didn't speak to me. The room didn't have a bed so I slept on the floor always half asleep afraid that Greg would come while I spelt. The babies where growing and a was showing more now. As much as I hated the food I ate it all afraid of the twins starving. I thought a lot about Cassidy and her children, Una and Rose and Morgan and Cole. I thought about him a lot, I didn't know why though. His piercing blue eyes were in all my dreams and it haunted my thought. I became a dreamer in those two weeks and only came out of my thoughts when Greg banged open the door. Speaking of which I think it is almost time. I stared at the door for 20 minutes before it opened. He later down a plate of horrid mush and a glass of water.
" you have been obedient" Greg commented and I said nothing.
" I have a business trip tomorrow to Ohio where a girl won't leave. I will not be back for two days. During that time Cole will bring you food twice a day since I would t want your children dying before I can kill them. I don't think you would speak to him so don't and don't leave. I gave cameras everywhere on the building meant to go off if I see you out." He informed and then left locking the door behind him. I played with the food in the fork for a little bit before cramming it into my mouth. One of the twins kicked in happiness I think and I smiled. They were doing fine, if only they didn't have to die. I could save them couldn't I. I started to cry, I was there mother and I couldn't save them.

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