Part 19

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Greg walked in like he owned the place. No doctor even tried to stop him. I looked at the clock, it was almost 8 at night and I k ew Greg wanted me home by six. He grabbed my arm and pulled me toward him.
" where have you been?" He asked and I thought that that was a stupid question considering I was in the same place I had been for awhile.
" I've been with Dr. Cassidy" I informed and he looked over my shoulder.
" are you dr.Cassidy." He snarled at her.
" yes and I don't appreciate what you are doing to Cleo." She retorted and he snarled.
" you told her!" He yelled and all 4 children even Una started to cry. He pulled my Arm the wrong way and I cried out in pain. He ignored me and dragged me to the apartment. Cole saw me and wanted to do something but couldn't figure out what. Greg threw me on the floor of the apartment. He pulled my face up so I was looking strait into his eyes.
" the second they are born they are dead. You aren't going to leave this room again. Understand!" He yelled and I nodded. He threw me in one of the kid rooms and locked the door. Again I say there helpless and trapped with only my unborn children and my despair.

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