Part 6

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" marriage!" I screamed at the lady and she nodded
" do you have a boyfriend or lover" she asked and filled out a slip similar to Morgan's
" no but why do we have to get married" I asked and she ignored me
" do you have any children?" She asked and I slammed my hands on the table
" no because I'm 19 and that is to young to get married or have children" I argued and she gave me a dirty look
" well to bad miss you will be soon" and she gave us each a bracelet and pushed us off into a room with a group of both girls and boys about our age.
" well done Cleo" Morgan rolled her eyes and I was appalled
" why are they doing this?" I asked and I was shut up by the lights turning on. A man that looked very important stepped on a little stage and a light shone on him.
" ladies and gentlemen as you know a meteor had struck Earth and killed many people." He was interrupted by the door opening with a loud creak and a boy stepping in. I immediately saw the piercing blue eyes and he saw me to. I turned back again and felt my cheeks get warm. Was I blushing?
" Sir the presentation has started" the important man said
" sorry the lady tried to squeeze me in" he shrugged and didn't wait for an answer to sit down among us. Even worse he was next to me.
" as I was saying billions of people died and left a very small population left. We want to raise that number by having more children born from a younger age. You guys are the perfect age to start. Boys will have sperms taken from them and put into a random woman through a shot to the stomach. The girl you are giving your sperm to will not be pared up with you because it will be a lot easier that way. Also you will be paired up and kept in an apartment in the pentagon. Men will work for the government and ladies will stay home with your kids. Oh yes I forgot that in the shot there is also a genetic solution that has it so you have twin, not identical but fraternal. Now please split up into boys and girls lines in front of the woman in the offices." He finished his speech and I couldn't help myself
" do we have to do this" I yelled and he smiles
" if you want to live." He left after that probably back to his office where he could sit eating chocolates not having to worry about being forced to have children or get married. I felt my fists clench at the thought. I wouldn't stand it, even if I died trying to.
Image above is of the man speaking.

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