Part 24

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As promised Coke brought Cassidy the next day. She came with two carriages one with the ultra sound thing on it and the other with three little beds for her triplets. Una was the perfect big sister to them, putting in a pacifier if one fell and playing with the babies if they cried.
" So you are about 2 months right?" Cassidy asked  and I nodded. She put the weird jelly stuff on my tummy and Una came over and looked.
"Why is your tummy big like Mommies was." She asked and I laughed.
"Una you know how your mommy had a baby well I am too." I told her and she smiled her big toothy smile.
" can you name one Una after me?" She asked and I gave her a one handed hug.
"If I did that your name wouldn't be unique would it Una." I said and she agreed to that. She then went back to Charlie who was crying again.
" Cleo would you like to see your children." Cassidy asked and I looked over. In the picture was two little bodies with hands and feet that were beyond adorable. I felt Cole behind me and I saw the tears firm in his eyes.
" can I have a picture please." I asked and Cassidy printed one out.
" the triplets have there 1 month appointment today can you watch Una here please." Cassidy begged and I nodded. Cole helped her with the two carts and Una had me pick her up.
" bye Mommy" she called out and blew kisses.
" bye Una." Cassidy laughed and left.
" can we get ice cream?" Una asked immediately after they left.
"How about we stay here and make Cole get it." I plotted and she giggled.
" is he your boyfriend" Una giggled and I laughed.
" why don't you ask him " I said avoiding the topic. Cole choose this very time to walk in and demand I took the pregnancy pills.
" I will if you get us ice cream." I said and he rolled his eyes.
" pretty please with sprinkles on top, oh can you get rainbow sprinkles on my ice cream." Una asked and we all laughed.
" fine." Cole groaned and began to leave.
" Cole are you her boyfriend." Una called out and my cheeks felt warm.
" Una there is no need to ask that." I quickly replied but Cole smirked at me.
" yes Una I am her boyfriend, wanna see something." He commented and walked up and kissed me. Una started to gag and say how gross it was but I didn't care, my heart was on a roller coaster right now.
" Cleo and Cole sitting in a tree k-I-s-s-I-n-g" Una sung and I laughed along. Life would get better with Greg or without and I wanted to be there every step of the way.

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