Part 3

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" what "I yelled mortified
" it crashed into the other side of Earth and it was only seen this morning to be coming.Everyone was suppose to stay inside in case of side affects and what a terrible mother I am not telling you before" she sobbed and I comforted her
" it's okay I was being stubborn" I told her and went to text Morgan when I remembered that my phone was gone.
" why did all the metal things fly away toward the East I asked and she wiped away her tears
"It was a metal thing in the meteor that was magnetic and it had all the metal attract to it till it hit Earth." She explained and we walked inside. She turned on the news and all over was emergency alerts. I gaped at the Tv
" you didn't say how big it was!" I yelled in shock. The meteor was huge! It had landed in the middle of Asia and exploded to Africa, Europe and Australia. Australia and Europe had already sunk and Asia was half sunk. Africa was suppose to sink too by tomorrow.
" but mom that's like 3/4 of our population" I yelled and couldn't Believe it.
" you just forget to tell me a meteor that just sunk 4 continents" I sassily asked her
" no one knew it was going to be so big" she admitted
" poor people on that side of Earth" I replied and walked outside to Morgan's house. I was halfway there when I saw a black cloud in the distance. It was just like the other one but this one looked dangerous. It quickly over took me and I held my breath again. As before it didn't work and I had to breath. It was like breathing in smoke but I didn't cough. For some reason it was as easy to breath as air and I tried to walk home but got lost until it cleared. I heard a few screams and no one outside so I ran home quickly. I ran inside and found my mother lying in the couch. I waked over to her and tried to wake her up but she didn't stir. I checked her pulse and screamed. My mother was dead.

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