Part 7

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I decided that I wasn't going to stand in the line. I charged in after the man and he was sitting at his desk, and he had a chocolate.
" I won't do that" I yelled at him and he smiles
" yes you surely you will" he said his voice cold as ice
" no I won't it is a terrible program" I repeated and he sighed
" it's only being pregnant for 9 months then raising the twins. You don't have to work or even love your paired up one and if you do it's fine then you can have more children." He explained and I laughed
" yes it's only being forced to do something I don't want to" I complained
" so you aren't going to do it" he asked and I retorted
" not if my life depended on it." He shook his head and took out a gun from his desk.
" then I have no choice" I closed my eyes and waited for the pain that never came.
" well there is one other option" he snarled and I opened my eyes to see him walking towards me.
" what beautiful hair you have" he said and took a strand of my straight brown hair in between his fingers.
I pulled away and started to retreat to the door
" come on I'm not that bad, you will begin to love me soon I promise and the we can have kids, I've always wanted some" he flirted and I turned and opened the door. His arm slid around my waist but I pulled away and ran toward the line. I was not going to marry him or have children with him. I got in line and since there was no one but me in the line they had been packing up
" where have you been" she asked and I thought of a lie
" umm the bathroom" I lied but she accepted that
" luckily we have one more left" she answered and gave me the shot. It stung for a second then it had a piercing pain. After that though it faded away and I sighed in relief.
"Now head over there and you will be paired up" the lady told me and I thanked her. I went into the room and Morgan found me.
" where have you been" she scolded and I lied again
" the bathroom" she laughed at that and I was mortified
" so you are okay with having t children and getting married" I asked and she nodded
" I love kids and I get to be married too. Its literally my dream come true." She fantasized and I rolled my eyes.
" whatever" the man from the office then appeared on the stage and cleared his throat.
" May I please see Cleo McCathy" he announced and I froze.
" Cleo McCathy I see you" he said again and I got up hesitantly. I went onstage and he brought me back to the office.
" you are mine and mine solely understand" he lectured and I grinned
" no I don't understand and besides isn't there an even amount of people in the group. You'll need me there if you want everyone paired up."
He gave me this cold stare and this terrible smile
" there is an even amount another girl came in to take your place." I realized I had gotten beat in that category so I tried another
" I'm already injected with that sperm and twin solution so you can't have kids with me for awhile" I said with a grin and he looked angry. He got up and stood over me. He raised his hand and brought it across my face with amazing force I sat to the ground in school and he looked at me in pity
" poor little Cleo" he wined " she is going to get a boo boo"

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