Part 13

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Cleo's POV
Cole was the best person ever, well second after Morgan of course. I hugged him and thanked him.
" how do you do that" I asked and he looked at me.
" Do what?" He asked and I grinned
" convince Greg to do stuff you want him to" Cole just laughed at that.
" it's easy only mention what he would gain out of it." Cole smiled
" I'll have to try it" I commented. The secretary came over and told us it's time for the appointment. She brought us into a room with two chairs and a doctors table. Cole and I each sat in one.
" the doctor will be in shortly" she told us and left. The doctor came in after , and boy was she big! Not fat wise but I think she was pregnant.
" hello I'm Doctor Cassidy and I will be checking out your arm is it?" She asked and I nodded. I pulled up my sleeve and she winced.
" May I ask how you got that" she pried and I hesitated.
" it will be critical to know how to treat it." She explained and I nodded.
" it doesn't leave this room though understand" I said and he agreed.
" um a glass bottle" I said and she yelped. Cole was immediately yelling at me for not saying anything and Doctor Cassidy was examining it to make sure there was no glass still in it.
" did the bottle break on you" Dr. Cassidy asked and I shook my head.
" no it was already broken" I said and immediately regretted it.
" he hit you with a broken bottle!" Cole yelled and I shushed him.
" who hit you" Dr.Cassidy asked and I turned away.
"You need to tell someone Cleo" Cole pleaded.
" No he will kill them" I said stubbornly
"Kill who?" Dr. Cassidy asked and I pointed to my children.
" the twin population project. My unborn ones will die." I explained and she nodded.
" I think that stitched should help that after we clean it out." She prescribed.
" Also I can offer you a deal" Dr. Cassidy said and I listened up.
" what is it" I asked.
" whoever is hitting you is at your home yea?" She asked and I nodded." If you come to the hospital everyday you can say you are monitoring the babies and help me out and stuff." She proposed.
" would it really work." I asked Cole and he nodded.
" seems reasonable and you could even hang out with Morgan sometimes she is always saying she misses you. I'll have to warn you when not to go out though." Cole agreed and I was thrilled.
" one question" I said and they both looked my way.
" Are you pregnant?" I asked Dr. Cassidy and both her and Cole laughed.
" yes couldn't you tell, I'm 8 months with triplets" she panted and I started to laugh too. I liked Dr. Cassidy and I couldn't believe that something Greg dod could result in anything as amazing as a new friend.

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