Part 21

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The next day Greg opened the door to tell me he was leaving. I didn't say anything to him so he left. I stood up to stretch and the door opened and Cole walked in. He had a plate of food that looked nothing like what Greg would brought. It actually looked good. He gave it to be and I gobbled it up. The whole time he looked at me but I didn't care, hey don't judge a hungry pregnant women. When I was done I looked up and he was still watching me.
" hungry much?" He asked and I nodded.
He looked around the room and frowned.
"This is where you have been for the past month and a half" he asked and I felt my jaw drop.
" a month and a half that's how live I was in here!" I asked and he nodded.
" Morgan and I have been worried sick that he had killed you. I was so relieved when he told me that I was to watch you. " Cole said and sat down next to me.
"you were worried about me?" I asked and he looked away. " why?"
" because I didn't want you dead. Morgan would have cried for months then." He lied and I could tell. I didn't ask anything farther.
" will you stay here I haven't had company or any interactions since Cassidy's children where born." I asked and he remembered something.
" your having a baby right?" He asked and nodded.
" don't you need all the vitamins and stuff, I know Morgan has tons." He asked and I thought.
" probably but I didn't get any from Greg he is going to kill them when they are born anyway" I shrugged and he looked at me in the eyes.
" he is going to kill them!" He yelled and I looked away.
" yes since I told Cassidy about what he did to me." I explained and he got up.
" Cleo you have to tell someone!" He screamed and u shook my head.
" I'm going to try to win him over by being obedient then maybe he will let my children live." I plotted and he shook his head. He walked out of the door and left me alone again.

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