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I wish that I'd inherited the better parts of my parents' characters. My mother's charitable kindness. My father's work ethic. Instead, I got my mother's carelessness and my father's temper. I am unable to genuinely express outward emotion. I do not know how to love or show care. They say that you can grow out of the way that you were raised and that who your parents were do not define you- but I find that the influences of your family play a larger part in who you become than most people think.

AN: hi, if you like this book, add 'all smiles' to your library. 'excerpts' will end soon since there is a story part limit to books on here. 'all smiles' will be exactly the same style as this book is. it's basically volume two. thanks and happy reading! please comment to tell me what you think of my writing. it means a lot!

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