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You can't ignore your problems, at the same time you can't focus only on them.

Like the wide angle of a camera we must be ready to look at several different aspects of life--the good, bad, the ugly, & beautiful.

Because nothing is black and white, nothing in this world is perfect.

It feels good to be ignorant, until you stop seeing through rose colored lenses.

Take off your glasses.

See the world for what it really is--a swirling mass of entropy increasing each second with every word shot into the air and piercing its targets like bullets, with every action, good and bad.

Nothing in this world is fair.

And that's part of life. It seems to be the root of existential crises these days.

If only people would clean their glasses every once in a while.

Maybe they'd see past all the unfair things in their lives and notice what they're blessed with.

Family, friends, a home?

How many people don't have the things you do?

A rant on the existential crises of teens, adults, and in-betweens.


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