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I want to know you. I want to know every one of your fears and keep you safe. I want to know your favorite books and movies and music and I want to know why you love them. I want to know your opinion on everything from vanilla ice cream to peppermint tea. I want to know all of your dreams and watch them come true. I want to be the one you come to when you've had the worst day. I want to be the one you find out what love is with. I want to be with you and it physically pains me to be away from you. I want to learn all of your secrets and keep them. I want it to be me that makes such an impact on your life that it effects every aspect. I want it to be me so badly that it rips out my pounding heart with the severity of cold weighted words when you give your attention to someone else and leave me long forgotten because you can never see the truth.

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